Pansport Forum
Trening => Bodibilding => Teretana => Muški bodibilding => Temu započeo: Robert Oktobar 18, 2010, 05:56:07 posle podne
Lee Haney signs with MD
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I am pleased to announce that 8-time Mr. Olympia, Lee Haney will be writing an exclusive monthly column in MD starting next month!
In 1991, Lee became the first 8-time consecutive Mr. Olympia champion. Lee held that record for fourteen years until October 2005, when Ronnie Coleman tied Lee’s Olympia record.
Months before Lee’s eighth and final Mr. Olympia win against Dorian Yates, I signed Lee to an exclusive contract with Twin Lab; who also owned Muscular Development, and Lee wrote a column at that time. Prior to joining TwinLab and MD, Lee was on contract with Weider.
I met Lee for the first time when he won the very first Nationals in 1982 (check out Shawn Rays’ Day in the Life and Nationals Interview on MDTV with Lee this weekend in Atlanta!)
I have the utmost respect and admiration for Lee and his personal values; his religious and spiritual belief, and for his commitment to family!
Lee was one of bodybuilding’s greatest ambassadors who helped set the highest possible standards in the sport and a positive image of bodybuilding.
Lee is a great champion both on and off the bodybuilding stage and I am so thrilled to have him back at MD and part of our team!
Haney se više nego odlično drži. Jako mi je drago kad vidim bb legende i dalje u dobroj formi.
matori je u do jaja formi
Lee Haney sa sinom Joshuom
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Respect za Old School 8)
Slikano na Olympu,Grcka....osmostruki Mr.Olympia Lee Haney
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Intervju sa osmostrukim Mr.Olimpijom koji i u svojoj "starosti" se trudi da sto vise ljude "zarazi" da se bave sportom.
16 titula Mr.Olimpije....
Pitali su ga sta misli o tome da li je Roni Coleman preterao sa treningom,kilazama itd misleci na Ronijeve mnogobrojne operacije posle BB karijere.Napomenuo bih da pored Colemana bas Lee ima 8 titula Mr.O takmicenja,sa razlikom da se Lee povukao nakon osme pobede 1991 godine sa 31 godinom zivota.Po meni jedan od najpametnijih bodi bildera.Po mom licnom misljenju da je Lee hteo mogao bi da nastavi da pobeduje bar jos godinu dve,ali kao sto je on rekao u ovom interjuu dosta mu je bilo,uzeleo se ZIVOTA!
Jedan jako dobar i poucan intervju sa Haneyem
Koliki uticaj ima Arnold na bb
Lee Haney i posle mnogoooo godina otako se povukao sa takmicarske scene jos uvek motivise!!!!
How I won my first Mr. Olympia at age 24
There’s nothing more precious than teaching my granddaughters (Raegan 8 and Jolie 2) the principals of seed time and harvest through gardening. One of the greatest of life lessons. What really matters
Lee Haney's Valuable Advice For Bodybuilders Today
U intervjuu sa Dave Palumbom Hejni kaze da se takmicio '92 on bi pobedio Doriana.Ovo i jos puno interesantnih stvari mozete pogledati u ovom intervjuu.
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