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Trening => Sportovi snage => Ostali sportovi => Strongmen => Temu započeo: Miki Mihajlovic Mart 14, 2011, 11:07:24 pre podne

Naslov: Nove discipline na WSM takmicenju?
Poruka od: Miki Mihajlovic Mart 14, 2011, 11:07:24 pre podne
Organizatori WSM takmicenja razmisljaju o ideji da ubace tri nove discipline(ili jednu ili dve)u njihovo takmicenje,pa mole sve zainteresovane da iznesu svoje misljenje o ovim disciplinama i da glasaju.
Evo i discipline o kojima je rec:
Here you will see 3 new WSM concept event ideas – these are not confirmed events, just fresh ideas from the boffins in the production team who are in the process of developing new events for the 2011 World's Strongest Man competition.


Your vote could make all the difference, so spread the word and we look forward to hearing your thoughts.


You can vote and comment via the official World’s Strongest Man facebook page which can be found by clicking here
Let us know your preference by positing VOTE (LETTER):


a) Centrifugal Grip Test       = VOTE A
b) Water and Bar Deadlift   = VOTE B
c) The Catapult                      = VOTE C


Feel free to rank your preferences in “like” order if you “like” more than one!



Athletes are strapped onto a huge, spinning column and have to hold two heavy objects on chains (washing machines used in this example). As the column rotates the washing machines spin outwards, increasing the weight at the hands. The athlete that holds onto the washing machine the longest is the winner.

Znaci takmicari stoje u jednom velikom valjku i drze dva teska objekta(u ovom slucaju ves masine) na lancu u ruci(slicno kao crucifix) sa tim da bi se taj valjak vrteo u krug time bi otezavao takmicarima drzanje i ovako teskih objekata.Pobednik je taj koji je u stanju da najduze drzi objekte u rukama.


Athletes stand holding a long bar with large, empty perspex boxes on either end. A constant stream of water flows into the boxes, increasing the weight at a constant rate. The athlete that holds on the longest is the winner.

Takmicar stoji sa sipkom u ruci na cijim krajevima su prazne kutije.U tim kutijama se voda povecava i time i povecava se i tezina koju drze takmicari.Pobednik je taj koji najduze moze da drzi sipku.


A boulder (atlas stone-type rock) rests in the basket in the arm of a catapult. Athletes turn a winch to supply the force required to move the arm of the catapult. The more the athlete can turn the winch, the more the arm will move which will increase the distance the boulder will travel in the air.   Constant pressure must be maintained on the winch. Once the winch strain is too great and the athlete reaches his maximum resistance and releases, the boulder will be released. The athlete whose boulder travels the greatest distance is the winner.
N.B. The below is a catapault illustration only and therefore not a sketch of the actual event.

Kugla lezi u katapultu i takmicar mora da pritisne rucku da bi aktivirao katapult.Takmicar koji jace pritisne rucku njemu ce i kugla dalje da leti.Pobednik je taj cija kugla najvise odleti.

Interesantne ideje,sta vi kazete?

Naslov: Odg: Nove discipline na WSM takmicenju?
Poruka od: Miki Mihajlovic Mart 14, 2011, 12:17:38 posle podne
Tu je i originalan opis,a tu mozete i glasati i izneti svoje misljenje o ovim disciplinama: (
Naslov: Odg: Nove discipline na WSM takmicenju?
Poruka od: Miki Mihajlovic Januar 14, 2014, 06:40:33 posle podne
Je li to nova disciplina na pomolu?Jyrki Rantanen promoter United Strongmana kaze da je na pomolu nova disciplina a to je cucanj sa kuglom.Disciplina se sastoji iz toga da takmicar podigne kuglu na rame i radi cucnjeve.Moze laksa kugla na ponavljanje ili teza na maximum.... :o
Naslov: Odg: Nove discipline na WSM takmicenju?
Poruka od: Miki Mihajlovic Jul 26, 2015, 03:32:11 posle podne
Mozda ne odmah na WSM ali dobra ideja za novu disciplinu:
( (