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Trening => Bodibilding => Teretana => Muški bodibilding => Temu započeo: Robert Avgust 04, 2011, 10:59:29 posle podne

Naslov: Branch Warren - road to Mr. Olympia
Poruka od: Robert Avgust 04, 2011, 10:59:29 posle podne
U ovoj temi ću(ćemo) pratiti formu Branch Warrena na putu ka Mr. O. Da ne bi konstatno otvarali nove teme za jedne te iste takmičare.
Ovo su slike sa gostovanja 7 nedelja pred takmičenje.
Naslov: Odg: Branch Warren - road to Mr. Olympia
Poruka od: o13_BJN Avgust 07, 2011, 02:24:40 pre podne
ramena i ruke je brutalno popravio, sve ostalo je na mestu.... surovo je misicav xD
Naslov: Odg: Branch Warren - road to Mr. Olympia
Poruka od: bato Avgust 18, 2011, 03:18:37 posle podne
E ovo je trening (
Naslov: Odg: Branch Warren - road to Mr. Olympia
Poruka od: o13_BJN Avgust 21, 2011, 01:15:26 posle podne
Koliko sam upucen, Branch je zavrsio sa ovom olimpiom, povredio je nogu pre neki dan.. (
Naslov: Odg: Branch Warren - road to Mr. Olympia
Poruka od: bato Avgust 21, 2011, 04:28:09 posle podne
Procitao sam ovo sinoc sad koliko je istiina i ako jeste kolika je povreda mozda izadje na mr.o
Naslov: Odg: Branch Warren - road to Mr. Olympia
Poruka od: Biochemo Avgust 22, 2011, 12:32:53 pre podne
Brenč u zloo formi da ne veruješ. Greota zbog noge. Ali greota. :/ :(

E ovo je trening (

Inače, fin video treninga. Lik ima najjačeg spotera. ;D Najjači voice.
Mada je spoter uhvaćen na delu na 5:08. ;D ;D ;D
Naslov: Odg: Branch Warren - road to Mr. Olympia
Poruka od: Robert Avgust 22, 2011, 07:16:32 pre podne
Branch je i zvanično out, tj. ne takmiči se. Sutra ga čeka operacija. Dijagnoza povrede: snapped quad tendon.
Naslov: Odg: Branch Warren - road to Mr. Olympia
Poruka od: Robert Avgust 22, 2011, 07:18:47 pre podne

***Sunday afternoon update***

Doctors at Baylor Hospital in Texas diagnosed Branch Warrens leg injury as a torn quad tendon in his left leg. Warren will have surgery Monday morning. Doctors expect him to recover 100% and be able to return to the stage to defend the Arnold Classic title in March 2012.

"Branch is upbeat and relieved that he will be competing again in just seven months time," said Muscular Development Editor in Chief Steve Blechman who spoke to Warren after the diagnosis. "Branch is a fighter," said Blechman. "He will recover from this just like he recovered from his tricep injury. Its great news that he will be so soon after such a potentially devastating setback."

Warren says that if he feels up to it, he will call in to MD Radio Monday at 7 pm EDT/4 pm Pacific to give his fans the full story.


Today 2011 Arnold Classic Champion Branch Warren suffered a leg injury in Atlanta, Georgia.

Muscular Development Editor in Chief Steve Blechman has been in contact with Warren and has learned these latest details:

Warren was in Atlanta for a guest posing appearance. He was in a parking lot and attempting to step into his car. The pavement was slick and his left foot slipped out from under him. He fell onto his left leg and heard/felt a "SNAP" from his left knee/quad area. He was immediately taken to an Atlanta hospital for testing.

He has been released from the hospital and wearing a wrap around his left knee/quad. He is now trying to catch the earliest flight he can back to Texas where he plans to go directly to Baylor hospital to meet with his team of doctors to conduct more tests to ascertain the extent of the injury.

Mr. Blechman says that Warren is "upbeat" about the injury and its potential ramifications. Blechman will personally be contacting Warren throughout the weekend for any more updates.

We will be posting more updates on Branch Warren's injury as more information becomes available.

***Sunday morning update***

Branch Warren left Atlanta this morning at 10:30 Eastern and expects to meet with his team of doctors at Baylor Hospital immediately after landing in Texas (approximately 11:30 Central time.) After phone consultations with his doctors they are prepared to perform surgery tomorrow morning if they think it is necessary. Currently his knee is swollen and his leg is in a wrap. will continue to provide updates to Warren's condition throughout today and in the days to come.
Naslov: Odg: Branch Warren - road to Mr. Olympia
Poruka od: o13_BJN Avgust 22, 2011, 09:52:25 posle podne
lepo sam reko da ce neko iz top 6-ice da zajebe stvar... steta, ako je povreda mnogo ozbiljna, mozda ga ne vidimo dugo vremena.
Naslov: Odg: Branch Warren - road to Mr. Olympia
Poruka od: Robert Avgust 23, 2011, 09:22:26 posle podne
Vrlo je malerozan - okliznuo se prilikom ulaska u auto. Sitnica ti zagorča život i upropasti planove.
Naslov: Odg: Branch Warren - road to Mr. Olympia
Poruka od: MARKO DIMITRIJEVIC Avgust 24, 2011, 08:37:01 pre podne
Nacin i vrsta treninga koju on ima je doveo do ove povrede,to sto se okliznuo dok je izlazio je samo doprinelo tome.
Naslov: Odg: Branch Warren - road to Mr. Olympia
Poruka od: ФИКИ Avgust 24, 2011, 10:12:16 pre podne
Cesto se on nesto kliza i pada niz stepenice i to...
Naslov: Odg: Branch Warren - road to Mr. Olympia
Poruka od: BojanLeet Avgust 24, 2011, 10:29:05 pre podne
Zamisli da nije smotan tako dokle bi dogurao
Naslov: Odg: Branch Warren - road to Mr. Olympia
Poruka od: Robert Avgust 24, 2011, 05:25:56 posle podne
Branch Warren Talks about His Injury and Surgery August 23, 2011 (
Naslov: Odg: Branch Warren - road to Mr. Olympia
Poruka od: ФИКИ Avgust 24, 2011, 05:31:55 posle podne
Jes vala, kad se lik okliznuo( opet) na stepenicama pokidao tridzu, koliko sam procitao u md.