Pansport Forum

Ostale teme => Off topic => Temu započeo: The Mickey Februar 17, 2008, 11:26:10 posle podne

Naslov: Effective Online Forum Usage
Poruka od: The Mickey Februar 17, 2008, 11:26:10 posle podne
Online forums, message boards, and newsgroups are now ubiquitous. These powerful communication tools offer many strong benefits. However, forum participation can also become a destructive addiction, where the benefits are overshadowed by negative side effects.

Here are some potential benefits of regular online forum participation:

**Intellectual exchange
**Learning new ideas and refining old ones
**Enjoying community membership
**Influencing the forum's evolution
**Contributing to others
**Making new friends and contacts
**New business leads
**Keeping up with current events
**Learning about new opportunities

Here are some potential negative effects of excessive forum usage:

**Reduced concentration and focus
**Reduced productivity
**Chronic procrastination
**Increased pessimism and/or apathy
**Being distracted by endless debates and idle gossip
**Gradually substituting tribal group think for your own intelligence
**Impaired social skills, neglected relationships, and a weakened social circle (a consequence of substituting online socialization for face-to-face conversations)
**Reduced energy (forum participation is sedentary compared to more active social outlets)
**Reduced self-esteem
**Career and income may suffer (including loss of employment)
**Forum addiction

I can live with that ;D
Naslov: Odg: Effective Online Forum Usage
Poruka od: TeH FiLiP Februar 17, 2008, 11:31:43 posle podne
sta je procrastination?? :D
Naslov: Odg: Effective Online Forum Usage
Poruka od: Zabotija Februar 17, 2008, 11:34:27 posle podne
Pa to ti je ono kastracija, strojenje  ;D ;D ;D
Naslov: Odg: Effective Online Forum Usage
Poruka od: TeH FiLiP Februar 17, 2008, 11:35:08 posle podne
pu majku mu...znaci tribulus oma :D
Naslov: Odg: Effective Online Forum Usage
Poruka od: The Mickey Februar 17, 2008, 11:35:18 posle podne
sta je procrastination?? :D

Chronic procrastination.....nemam pojma brale al zvuci bas zajebano :D :D :D zezam se.....:)

Procrastination znaci odlaganje ili odugovlacenje :)
Naslov: Odg: Effective Online Forum Usage
Poruka od: TeH FiLiP Februar 17, 2008, 11:36:07 posle podne jes istina...stalno odlazem ucenje
Naslov: Odg: Effective Online Forum Usage
Poruka od: The Mickey Februar 17, 2008, 11:36:37 posle podne jes istina...stalno odlazem ucenje

ETO.... :D
Naslov: Odg: Effective Online Forum Usage
Poruka od: Lokk1 Februar 18, 2008, 02:37:48 posle podne
brate ako ja vec imam 90% ovih neg efekata .. to znachi da je forum iz raja izashao :D