Pansport Forum
Ishrana => Zdrava ishrana => Temu započeo: aloedrink Septembar 06, 2017, 09:33:04 pre podne
We all have a lot of stresses in our daily lives, but sometimes we need to take it slow and relax a little bit. And this drink over here is the best thing to do so. Here is the list of ingredients:
2 ½ cups of Strawberries.
1 pitted aloe vera mango (
1-2 cupfuls of Aloe Juice.
250 ml of ice water.
The actual making of the drink is very easy, just put all the ingredients in a blender and blend until the mixture is smooth. Put it into a glass, kick back and relax while your worries melt away. Takes a few minutes to make, delicious and highly nutritious.