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Ostale teme => Off topic => Temu započeo: Robert Mart 16, 2008, 05:24:47 posle podne
Jay Cutler tuzio je kompaniju za proizvodnju suplemenata - NDS Nutritional zbog neovlascenog koriscenja njegovog lika na njihovim proizvodima.
Evo i kompletnog texta preuzetog sa sajta
LOS ANGELES (CBS) ― A professional body builder is suing a nutrition company for allegedly using his image on its products without permission, according to court documents obtained Friday.
Jay Cutler is alleging misappropriation of image and likeness of NDS Nutritional Products Inc. for invasion of privacy and unjust enrichment. He is seeking unspecified general, special and punitive damages.
He filed his lawsuit in California because NDS Nutritional Products does regular business in the state, selling such offerings as "Explosive Stack," "Elite Sports Line," "Evolve XL" and "Omega Cuts," according to his court papers.
NDS used an image of a photograph of Cutler taken at a bodybuilding contest and placed it on its products without paying him or getting his permission, the lawsuit alleges.
The image is cropped and has lightening bolts over it, but the person is indisputably Cutler, according to his lawsuit.
"The image is readily identifiable as being an image of (Cutler)," the lawsuit states.
Cutler has granted a license to use his image to a number of bodybuilding-related companies, including Muscletech, according to the suit, which says he has "created a lucrative business out of selling products featuring his body, including videos, photographs, books and clothing."
Cutler has one of the most recognizable bodies in the world, according to his lawsuit.
He has won three straight Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic body builder contests and placed second for three consecutive years in the Mr. Olympia competition.
[prilog je izbrisao admin]
cekaj, jel ti moras kopirati svaki topic sa x3m foruma, mislim nije mi jasno u cemu je fora. sta glumis, nadji vesti pa ih postuj, ili navedi izvor. . . samo jos fali da i Pedjine reci prepises. . .
To sam i ja hteo da pitam...
to su svi skinuli sa foruma , sarceva
to su svi skinuli sa foruma , sarceva
Tako je, Markoni.
Ja sam svakodnevno na Miskovom forumu i prenesem neke zanimljivosti ako ih ima. Izvor naravno uvek navedem.
pa gde ti je ovde izvor? :D
Pise na pocetku skinuto sa ::) ::) ::)
Odrace im kozu sa ledja.I treba.
Naplatice on to njima debelo u to ne sumnjam.
Uh, to je sigurno.
Ja mislim da on vise zarudjuje od sponzora i prodaja prava na svoj lik nego od samih takmicenja.
Pa i zasluzio je.
To stoji, naravno. Nema dileme oko toga.
ovo neki stari tekst,dole pise 3 time 2nd at mr.o,a bio je 4 puta
A prvo mesto se i ne spominje.
Dobra moc zapazanja Hans
Menjam nadimak u Holms :D
Precizno prevedeno stoji DA JE 3 PUTA UZASTOPNO ZAUZIMAO DRUGO MESTO NA MR. O a ne da je 3 puta ukupno imao drugih mesta.
Ja trenutno nisam siguran da li je 4 puta UZASTOPNO osvojao 2. mesto ili je to, ipak, 3 puta.
aha uzastopno da,al zato sto nije ucestvovao 2002
E, sad, necemo traziti dlaku u jajetu. :D
Nije bitan razlog vec da ga 2002. nije bilo na drugom mestu. ;)
Menjam nadimak u Holms :D
budalo ne treba holms nego u homo .. :D
Pa ovo su udarci ispod pojasa :D