Pansport Forum
Ostale teme => Aktuelni članci => Temu započeo: Mladen Jovanovic Januar 18, 2009, 12:12:45 posle podne
The new article regarding planning of the training in general but mostly for strength training. It's full of typo 'cause my spellchecker doesn't work. Hopefully, it is going to be published somewhere and edited, till then try to read this version. Enjoy and share critiques.
skida se :D
edit : skinuo .. uuuu ovo je neshto advanced a ? :D
Nemoze da se skine...thanks
moze da se skine
Download limit je 10. Probajte na adresi od mog druga pod 'Planning the strength training.pdf'
Ja sam skinuo, poslacu nekome ako oce...
meni neće da skine sa ovog linka od tvog drugara
evo sad je ok prvo sam koristio operu pa zato nije hteo da skine a sad sam usao preko explorera i sve je ok