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Trening => Bodibilding => Teretana => Muški bodibilding => Temu započeo: Robert Mart 12, 2017, 07:39:02 posle podne

Naslov: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Robert Mart 12, 2017, 07:39:02 posle podne
Kako stoje stvari, o ovom momku ćemo tek pričati pa zaslužuje svoju temu. Pisaće se ovde dosta. :)

Da počnemo sa njegovim dnevnikom za 8. mart
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: TwinSix Mart 13, 2017, 07:34:17 pre podne
Evo drugi put zaredom drugo mesto...ali ima on vremena...
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Robert Mart 16, 2017, 12:45:07 pre podne
Sa fotošutinga

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Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Kalonji Mart 18, 2017, 07:37:24 posle podne
vid lišća  :o
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Robert Mart 19, 2017, 01:55:05 pre podne
Opsednut sam njima (jer kuburim sa istima), pa tu mišićnu partiju meĂ°u prvom uočavam kod svih. :D
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Miki Mihajlovic Mart 20, 2017, 09:42:14 pre podne
Izgleda da je Shawn Ray opet nesto komentirao....
Evo Dallasovog odgovora
So I wasn't going to do this because frankly he will benefit way more from his name being in my mouth than I ever would the other way around BUT here we go....
I've got so many questions regarding Shawn Ray and his recent hard on for "critiquing" me as he would call it. So I'm guna break down a few really clear and simple reasons this guy can't seem to leave me alone...
1. He's clearly struggling with the fact that he's completely irrelevant in the fitness and bodybuilding world. He needs something ANYTHING to draw attention to himself, and I'm just the most recent topic for him to give his two cents on.
2. If you've followed Ray or know him in any way you'll likely RARELY ever him him complement ANYONE especially a big white body builder. This is clearly a result from years of consistent ass whopping from the great Dorian Yates. He complained and moaned his entire career about these beat downs and CLEARLY is still very butt hurt about it.
3. Shawn also took years of whoopings from Chad Nicholls clients which he also moaned about for the majority of his career... again still CLEARLY butt hurt about that too!
4. As anyone knows he was born with a silver spoon in mouth to a well off family and has had a relatively easy life... we in the REAL WORLD call this silver spoon syndrome. This is an extreme internal insecurity that stems from years of being out performed and out done by those who started with significantly less than him. In the mind of these people they can not conceive that they are just simply being out worked or just simply aren't good enough. That's because their entire life they've grown up entitled and pampered! Thus, when things don't go their way they are forced to accept failure, WHICH is a huge part of life to most of us normal folks. This causes the individual (in this case Shawn) to develop a horrible inner insecurity that can only be satisfied in their mind by the putting down of others. We all know these people.... it's just a sad part of the world we live in.
5. Shawn used to be a GREAT bodybuilder BUT he never got what he wanted (TheO). Now he's forced to live in a fading body that is no longer capable of fulfilling his dreams. This greatly increases the previous points 2-4.
6. Shawn didn't grow up in the real world where you can't run your mouth consequence free. Where I come from such biased one sided "reporting" as in this case and MANY others I've seen him give his two cents on would earn you a good ole concrete facial! While I do believe Shawn ray needs a good beat down as much as anyone I've ever met this is NOT A THREAT.
Another great example of ALL of this insecurity is
Calling out one of the greatest to ever do it from the stage Saturday talking smack to the great Dexter Jackson I front of an entire crowd of people!? Totally uncalled for and just another insecure desperate attempt to remain relevant and important in an industry slowly forgetting him and pushing him out.
In conclusion... until the recent twisting of my current situations, words, and miss fortunes I've never had an issue with Shawn. I idolized Shawn, looked up to him greatly... but sadly that time has passed. Now I just simply see a bitter old man, despised by an industry which he once was loved by. Now was Shawn correct regarding my posing for manion yes! However he didn't even bother to get a full story, he also didn't bother to report the fact that my situation was greatly improved at the Arnold! Words straight out of the head judge AND Mr. Manion's mouth. As for our conversation back stage previous to the Arnold AU it was also twisted as to only be negative and bitter As is his apparent style or "reporting". Then there's the comments made regarding Chad and my unfortunate events on stage Saturday. Now unless Chad has a machine to give me bronchitis (damn near pneumonia) I don't see how it's his fault or my fault for that matter. The only thing either of us did wrong was allow me to compete in a condition too sick for stage. It was nothing more than the fluid in my lungs depriving the brain of Oxygen... we all know the results of a brain and body without oxygen so let's be smart here. All that being said if Shawn ray wants to be a reporter of the industry he needs to learn to swallow his pride and ego and report the facts ALL OF THEM! Not the facts that he finds convenient mending his insecurities and bitterness stemming to a career long gone.
I hate to be this way guys but enough is enough... we as an industry pride ourselves on not being judgmental and bullies so I've had about enough this one sided bitter "reporting"!
At the end of the day he can bash me, dog me, "critique and report" me all he wants BUT he ain't gunna steal my shine. I'm internally happy and LOVE MY LIFE... Something he's clearly missing.
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Miki Mihajlovic Mart 21, 2017, 09:08:28 pre podne
Guy Cisternino kojim se slicno dogodilo na AC-u u Ohaju je izneo svoje misljenje
Ok so with all the BS I have been reading about @dallasmccarver I want to clear the air. This picture right here isn't something to mock, laugh at, make fun of. There are more important things in life than just bodybuilding. Someone's life and health is way more valuable than any competition or first place trophy. Why am I making this post because I was in Dallas's shoes 2 weeks ago in Columbus except I collapsed as soon as I walked off stage where Dallas wasn't as lucky. As professional athletes we have a level of integrity we try to keep. No matter how bad we feel, sick we get, adversity we face, we put so much into dieting the last thing we want to do is give up. Fuck, we could probably get hit by a Mack truck and keep going. We have friends, family, fans, that come to see us compete, buy tickets to shows, airfares, hotels all just to support us to the last thing we want to do is let them down. I saw Dallas start to collapse onstage I ran over to him and grabbed him, helped him backstage, I laid him down on the ground, his body started to convulse I thought he was seizing so I grabbed a small towel to stick in his mouth (anyone who knows about seizures knows why) as I grabbed his head he grabbed my hand. I said "Dallas it's Guy buddy, you gotta breath bud and relax!" He took 2 big deep breaths and his body relaxed, I lifted his head and made him drink some Gatorade. Then the medics came and gave him oxygen. After his body and mind came to, he threw up for almost an hour then was hooked up to IVs almost 2 liters worth. So why am I posting this? I'm not posting this to show what I did, but to show this mans will and integrity! He finally made it back to the men's dressing room still hooked up to IVs, sitting in the chair with the sheer look of disappointment on his face. After 20 minutes sitting there with his eyes shut, he turned and looked at me and goes "Am I still allowed to compete, i wanna finish this show!" I told him buddy you have nothing left to prove, you pushed yourself to the max and still kept pushing until you literally had nothing left. When he said he wanted to finish my respect for this kid went up 1000% because that's a fucking warrior!
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Robert Mart 22, 2017, 12:10:28 posle podne
Dobio je naslovnicu narednog izdanja MD magazina

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Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Miki Mihajlovic Mart 24, 2017, 12:46:58 posle podne
Evo i Dallas da kaze o svemu tome par reci
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Robert Mart 27, 2017, 10:51:58 pre podne
Profesionalnost na delu. Videćete kako Dallas kontaktira neke kupce njegovih proizvoda i kako rešava odreĂ°ene neprijatnosti, a odlučio je da sve to pokaže na YT-u
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Miki Mihajlovic Mart 28, 2017, 02:28:54 posle podne
Teski deadlift
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Robert Mart 30, 2017, 12:51:50 posle podne
Raskinuo saradnju sa MD-om. Evo i saopštenja:

No I didn't quit bodybuilding 😂 but I have decided to part ways with MD. I'm just simply tired of the drama, negativity, and rumor mill. Couple that with the countless facts David Baye brought to light in his parting and it's simply a company I can no longer represent. I'm grateful for years of friendship and support I've received from countless MD employees, but all the recent events have made this partnership just simply more than I care to deal with. I've made the decision to surround myself with ONLY positive uplifting companies and people moving forward in my career, and if it means losing a bit of monthly pay then so be it.
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Miki Mihajlovic Mart 30, 2017, 08:47:36 posle podne
Evo sta je rekao Palumbu povodom toga
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Robert April 07, 2017, 01:15:02 posle podne
Novi nastavak Dallasovog dnevnika
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Robert April 16, 2017, 01:47:06 posle podne
Dallas je izdvojio nekoliko minuta kako bi objasnio stvari o bodibilding svetu  koje možda niste znali
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Robert April 18, 2017, 02:24:38 posle podne
Nova epizoda dnevnika. Posetio je kliniku "Zauvek mladi" i dobio terapiju.
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Robert April 24, 2017, 09:11:31 posle podne
Dallasov dnevnik - u ovoj epizodi odlazi na trening, u šoping, sprema klopu...
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Kalonji Maj 04, 2017, 06:47:19 pre podne
Trening leĂ°a
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Miki Mihajlovic Maj 05, 2017, 02:17:46 posle podne
Dallasov nastup na 2017 Emerald Cupu
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Kolev Nenad Maj 09, 2017, 12:51:37 posle podne
Ludaci 😂
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Miki Mihajlovic Maj 24, 2017, 11:07:24 pre podne
Vraca mu se snaga
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Robert Maj 25, 2017, 02:40:01 posle podne
Izgleda da se ove godine neće takmičiti na Mr. O.
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: TwinSix Maj 26, 2017, 06:20:17 pre podne
Zbog čega?
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Miki Mihajlovic Maj 30, 2017, 03:06:28 posle podne
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Just a little update for you guys. Woke up at 321lbs this morning.
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Miki Mihajlovic Jun 02, 2017, 02:48:27 posle podne
Ubitacna kombinacija,a ni tezine nisu za bacanje.....
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Miki Mihajlovic Jun 15, 2017, 09:57:16 posle podne
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Dallas i njegovi planovi sto se takmicenja tice
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Robert Jun 26, 2017, 06:35:49 pre podne
Izdanje od 150 kg, ujedno i njegovo najteže

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Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Robert Jun 27, 2017, 09:15:52 posle podne
Evo ga i video sa gostovanja
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Miki Mihajlovic Jun 30, 2017, 10:18:11 pre podne
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Kaze da ga ne interesuje koliko ima kg nego da popravi svoje slabe tacke....inace ima negde oko 335 funti....
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Robert Jun 30, 2017, 04:47:45 posle podne
Da, da, kao ono "nije bitno koliko dižem već kako izgledam, ali inače cepam 200 kg benč". :D
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Miki Mihajlovic Jul 01, 2017, 12:47:40 posle podne
Da, da, kao ono "nije bitno koliko dižem već kako izgledam, ali inače cepam 200 kg benč". :D
Hahaha,tako nekao....
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Miki Mihajlovic Jul 02, 2017, 02:33:34 posle podne
Kao ni ovde nije vazno sa koliko je radio DL ali ga je radio sa 845 funti..... ;D ;D ;D
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Miki Mihajlovic Jul 11, 2017, 06:43:53 posle podne
6 meseci je proslo izmedu fotografisanja ove 2 fotografije....
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Miki Mihajlovic Jul 15, 2017, 08:09:40 posle podne
Dallas ima 152kg..... :o :o :o
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Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Miki Mihajlovic Avgust 02, 2017, 12:04:05 posle podne
Dallas na bowlingu..... ;D ;D ;D
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Miki Mihajlovic Avgust 08, 2017, 08:31:48 pre podne
A Day In The Life
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Miki Mihajlovic Avgust 11, 2017, 07:34:52 pre podne
Zagrevanje je jako vazno pred trening,evo kako to radi Dallas
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Robert Avgust 17, 2017, 08:55:14 posle podne
Današnja fotka

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Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Robert Avgust 21, 2017, 08:46:26 posle podne
Opet update

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Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Robert Avgust 22, 2017, 09:13:25 posle podne
Koliko sinoć stavljao update, danas ga više nema... Žalosno. :(

Evo šta Aaron Singerman kaže o njegovoj smrti
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Robert Avgust 24, 2017, 07:55:56 posle podne
Napustio nas je prerano
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Miki Mihajlovic Avgust 28, 2017, 11:59:39 pre podne
Oglasio se i sam Roni Coleman
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: TwinSix Avgust 29, 2017, 06:44:30 pre podne
Hoće ga se neko setiti na samoj Olimpiji? Mođda Josh ili Lewis...
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Miki Mihajlovic Avgust 30, 2017, 03:33:48 posle podne
Josh sad trenira sa Dallasovim trenerom za uspomenu na Dallasa.
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Robert Septembar 20, 2017, 08:58:41 posle podne
Još jedan video u znak sećanja na Dallasa

I dalje nisam potpuno prihvatio vest o njegovoj smrti. Nekako, zaboravim i ovakvi klipovi me vrate u realnost.
Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Robert Novembar 29, 2017, 09:39:59 posle podne
Postali su dostupni rezultati autopsije i za Dallasa

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Naslov: Odg: Dallas McCarver
Poruka od: Miki Mihajlovic Decembar 01, 2017, 01:06:45 posle podne
Sto znaci da mu je bubreg bio jako istrosen,jetra 3 veca od normalnog/prosecnog coveka,srce takode,carcinom tiroidne zlezde a umro je od posledice infarkta....imao je problema i sa plucima.....ali ono sto je Cedric napisao juce me je najvise pogodilo,naravno posle vesti da je Big Country umro.....
The rest of the world may have moved on but not me... I just filled out my application for the Arnold and all I could think about was u. I wish I could have got 2nd if it meant u would chill and take a long relaxed off season and still be here. That wish haunts me everyday. I am gonna kick soooo much ass for u. God bless your soul big boy