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Naslov: How Long Should I Hold The Plank Exercise For?
Poruka od: Dr Aleksandra Brankovic Mart 05, 2018, 07:47:48 pre podne
Tom Hoel held a plank for four hours and 28 minutes on May 22, 2015, setting a world record.
His previous record of three hours and eight minutes, set in 2014, was obliterated by Chinese policeman Mao Weidong a few months later. Weidong planked for four hours, 26 minutes.
Hoel´s  record was being shattered by George Hood, a 57-year-old trainer and former Marine, in Southern California. He went five hours, 15 minutes.

The Plank challenges (where you aim to hold the Plank for 3 or even 5 min are getting very popular. But these challenges train your willpower and your mind more than your core.
When a Plank is performed with the right form it's challenging even for a short time (??!)

For example, Dr Stuart McGill (PhD), who is a world-renowned spine biomechanics specialist and is considered a leading authority on core development, says that two minutes is a good goal to shoot for in the standard abdominal plank on your elbows. Holding the plank exercise for that long indicates that you have a reasonably strong core.

McGill was among the first to show that the endurance of core muscles is much more important than their strength when it comes to their primary role: to provide stability for the lower back.

McGill’s new study shows a better way to use the plank. “Repeated 10-second holds created a residual stiffness that enhances performance,”[/u] McGill says.
In his study, McGill had the subjects do extensive core-training programs. Half of them did stability exercises, beginning with planks, side planks, and bird dogs, holding each for 10 seconds at a time. They did 5 sets of each exercise, starting with 5 reps (10-second holds), then 4, 3, 2, and 1. The other half did dynamic exercises, starting with crunch variations. After six weeks, the ones who did multiple 10-second holds of the stability exercises saw the biggest increase in torso stiffness.

McGill sees this sets-and-reps approach as an improvement on the standard way of doing planks and other isometric exercises.
His study focused on the benefits for athletes (half the subjects were experienced Muay Thai fighters), but there’s another group that may gain even more: “I’ve seen plank-related injury in people who’re already back-pain sufferers,” McGill says. “They just did inappropriate durations.”

McGill S (2010). Core Training: Evidence Translating to Better Performance and Injury Prevention. Strength and Conditioning Journal 32(3): 33-46.