Pansport Forum

Suplementacija => Katalog => Povećanje testosterona i hormona rasta => Temu započeo: dario83 Maj 27, 2007, 04:21:50 posle podne

Poruka od: dario83 Maj 27, 2007, 04:21:50 posle podne
da li je neko imao iskustva sa tribestanom,gde ga nabaviti? :-\
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: dario83 Maj 27, 2007, 06:20:14 posle podne
A kakva je razlika izmedju tribestana i tribulusa?
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: Aleksandar Sh. Maj 27, 2007, 06:34:31 posle podne
Tribulus je prirodan preparat koji koriste bilderi za vracanje testa u prirodno stanje....A tribestan nije STEROID nego prirodni preparat za znacajno i trajno povecanje potencije i sexualne zelje i moci. Koriste ga i zene..Odnosno BALKANSKA VIAGRA
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: TeH FiLiP Maj 27, 2007, 06:36:00 posle podne
Sta je tribestan???Ja ga ne nadjo medju anabolicima zna li neko sta jue uopste??Tribulus sluzi da poveca prirodnu proizvodnju testosterona,ali efikasan je tek posle 25e godine ili posle kure aas.
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: TeH FiLiP Maj 27, 2007, 06:36:27 posle podne
Preduhitri me za sekund aco :) :)
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: Aleksandar Sh. Maj 27, 2007, 06:47:12 posle podne
E ali nije tako.......nasao sam jedan clanak i mislim da nije pametno da ga prevodim da ne bi pobrkao nesto...Samo cu reci da je TRIBESTAN mnogo jaci od Tribulusa evo dokaza:

Tribulus terrestris is a non-hormone plant that grows on beaches all over the world. Tribestan is made from the Tribulus terrestris plant, but that's where the connection ends. If they're made from the same plant, how can they not be the same thing? Stay with me, because I'm sure you're a little confused. But, I'll explain everything so you'll easily understand it.It takes 2000 lbs of Tribulus Terrestris to make just 40 lbs of Tribestan. So you can see that by taking Tribulus terrestris in the attempt to get enough of the active ingredients in Tribestan, you would have to take 50 times as much. And even then, you wouldn't be getting enough. Plus it would actually be dangerous to take that much Tribulus terrestris. I'll get to that later.

Though Tribulus terrestris is abundant all over the world, in Bulgaria they add a specific fertilizer to the soil so that when the plant is harvested it yields 4 times more active ingredients than any other Tribulus terrestris. Protodioscin and protogracillin are the active ingredients that are extracted from Tribulus terrestris to make Tribestan. And they are responsible for increasing testosterone levels.

It's a slightly more complicated process than that, though. When you take Tribestan, your pituitary releases luteinizing hormone, which is responsible for stimulating the testes to produce testosterone. It's common for levels of both luteinizing hormone and testosterone to decrease when you are taking steroids or even when you use the testosterone boosters (like androstenedione etc...), This is because when the body senses an external source of testosterone, it will decrease the amount of testosterone it produces to maintain homeostasis. That means your body will always attempt to balance itself.

That's why many people who have taken steroids for long periods of time experience a dramatic reduction in the amount of testosterone they produce and some even suffer a complete shutdown. That's how some bodybuilders become sterile or impotent. They rely on outside sources of testosterone so much that their own system for testosterone production becomes inactive (dormant).

The reason why Tribestan works so well is because it is not an external source of testosterone or a precursor to testosterone. It doesn't supply testosterone. It stimulates your body to produce more of its own testosterone. And even in situations where people are taking steroids and their natural testosterone production has diminished, it can raise testosterone production back up to normal levels. But beyond use for bodybuilders and steroid users suffering from low testosterone levels, Tribestan was originally used to treat impotency and sexual dysfunction. It wasn't even designed for bodybuilders. Only after test subjects used it and reported gains in muscle size and strength was it seen as a sports supplement.

Sopharma (the pharmaceutical company that manufactures Tribestan) developed the technology to extract the protodioscin and protogracillin (the active ingredients in Tribestan) from the Tribulus terrestris plant. In 1956, they began researching Tribulus terrestris in order to isolate the active ingredients. Once they discovered protodioscin and protogracillin, they experimented with animals and followed 9 generations of each species and didn't observe any negative side-effects from the use of Tribestan.

In 1976, the product was finally made available, but only in Eastern Europe. That's when I first started using it. I was on the Romanian National Weightlifting team and that's the only reason I had access to it. You couldn't just buy it in the pharmacy. It was only available to athletes through the sports association. All the weightlifters used it in conjunction with steroids and especially when they stopped their steroid cycles.

Tribestan is one of the most Powerful supplements legally available on the market today. However, you're just now recognizing that fact. Since there are still many questions on Tribestan, here are many answers that will provide all the information you need.

How does Tribestan work?

    Tribestan causes the body to release luteinizing hormone, which sends a signal to the testes to produce more testosterone. It also prevents the body from recognizing that it is producing higher than normal levels. This is a critical factor why Tribestan works so well.

    Usually when testosterone production is e elevated above the normal range, the body will recognize that and the release of luteinizing hormone will be diminished. But Tribestan blocks the message to reduce testosterone production and makes the body think that test levels are still low so that more luteinizing hormone is released.

How long should you take Tribestan?

    Tribestan should be taken every day for 8 weeks. The typical dose is 3 tablets daily (750 mg) for people under 200 lbs and 6 tablets daily (1500 mg) for people over 200 lbs. Tribestan is active in the body for approximately 8 hours, So you need to take it 3 times per day to ensure that your body continually releases luteinizing hormone, which results in testosterone production. Testosterone levels can be elevated by as much as 40%.

    After an 8-week cycle, you should stop taking it for 2 weeks because the body will begin to recognize that Tribestan has been sending a "false signal" indicating that the body should produce more testosterone. Your body doesn't really need to produce extra testosterone but Tribestan causes it to any way. Once you have used Tribestan for 8 weeks, the body will no longer continue to produce excessive testosterone. However, after ceasing the use of Tribestan for only 2 weeks, the body will respond to it again. The 8 weeks-on, 2 weeks-off schedule can be continued indefinitely.

Do you need to take Tribestan if you're on steroids or any prohormone products?

    It's imperative that you use Tribestan if you're supplementing with any external source of testosterone . If you don't use Tribestan while you are on steroids or prohormones, over time, your own testosterone production will decrease and, in some cases, shut down completely. I recommend using Tribestan even if you are not taking steroids or prohormones. You will still benefit greatly from increasing your own testosterone production.

If Tribestan is so powerful and increases your own testosterone production, does it aromatize? Can you get "gyno" (bitch tits) from taking it?

    Absolutely not. In fact, the opposite is true. Tribestan is so amazing because it will normalize estrogen levels in the body. If your estrogen levels are too high, it will decrease them to normal levels. And if they are too low, Tribestan will raise them to normal levels. Most people are leery of heightened estrogen levels, but if they are too low they can go into a catabolic state more easily.

Is it dangerous for women to take Tribestan since it increases testosterone production?

    Not at all. Women should take it. There have been clinical studies on menopausal women that show Tribestan can reverse the effects of menopause. Testosterone levels in women become slightly elevated, but not enough to result in any masculinizing effects. They are able to lose body fat more rapidly, increase strength and lean mass with no water retention. Women will not experience any negative side-effects from Tribestan use. However, they need to stop taking Tribestan 5 days before their period. Then they can resume. When luteinizing hormone levels increase in women, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) does as well to keep hormones in balance. (FSH levels do not increase in men).

How long do you need to take Tribestan before you notice results?

    Since Tribestan was initially used as a treatment for impotency and sterility, within a few days men will usually notice harder and more frequent erections. Women usually experience increased sex drive. But to get the full muscle-enhancing and strength-increasing benefits of Tribestan you have to use it for at least 4 weeks (preferably 8 weeks, if you really want to experience results). You'll be stronger in all your lifts and have more endurance in the gym. But to gain noticeable muscle, you need 8 weeks of Tribestan. Even steroids don't have much effect if you only take them for 1 or 2 weeks. You have to stay on them long enough to allow your body to utilize what you're giving it.

Why does Tribestan come in blister packs (foil strips)?

    Tribestan is sensitive to air and moisture and can easily lose its potency if it's not protected in an airtight package. That's why it's not encapsulated and bottled like Tribulus terrestris is. Even though a bottle may be airtight, the capsules are not. So every time you open the bottle the capsules are exposed to air and moisture which will decrease the strength of the ingredients. The potency of formulations that include Tribulus terrestris, along with other compounds, like andro, chrysin, DREA, yohimbe and others, is easily compromised because of the higher moisture content of the different ingredients.

Can Tribestan use cause any prostate problems that are associated with testosterone use?

    When you use steroids, your luteinizing hormone levels drop, your sperm count lowers and your prostate can get inflamed. Since Tribestan is not an external source of testosterone, but rather a supplement that signals your body to produce more of its own testosterone, it will not cause prostate inflammation, There is speculation that kidney problems can result from the use of Tribulus terrestris because in experiments, sheep and lambs developed kidney stones. Tribulus terrestris is classified as a poison plant because of that. But please remember, I can't emphasize this enough, Tribestan is not Tribulus terrestris. Tribestan is made from specific extracts of Tribulus terrestris, so the FDA considers Tribestan a food supplement.

If Tribulus terrestris is the source for the active ingredients in Tribestan, why not just take high dosages of Tribulus terrestris. It's cheaper and does the same thing, right?

    Wrong. Tribulus terrestris, on its own, doesn't do anything. There's not enough protodioscin and protogracillin in the plant to have any positive effects at all. But if someone tried to take a bottle of Tribulus terrestris in the hopes of getting the effects of Tribestan, they could get sick.

Can Tribestan be used for any other purposes?

    It is an excellent diuretic and can be used the last 3 days before a competition to lose any excess water. You would need to take 12 per day (3 tabs, 4 times per day) on the Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday before a Saturday contest. You will urinate frequently during that time and will "dry out" without having to use traditional diuretics. Both Milos Sarcev and Mr. Olympia, Ronnie Coleman have used Tribestan for that purpose with excellent results.

If someone has severely impaired testosterone production and the release of luteinizing hormone is damaged, can Tribestan still help?

    If someone has been using steroids for years and thinks they've done irreparable damage to their endocrine system, in most cases Tribestan will return testosterone levels and luteinizing hormone levels to the normal range of someone 22-30 years old. These people would simply never cycle off Tribestan. They wouldn't follow the 8 weeks on, 2 weeks off schedule. This would be the same protocol for middle-aged men (40 plus). They could stay on Tribestan for the rest of their lives and experienced heightened testosterone production, which results in more energy, increased vigor and greater strength levels.

Should you continue to use Tribestan when you stop taking steroids?

    Weightlifters in Eastern Bloc countries, who commonly used steroids (but always passed drug tests), would take Tribestan which would not only help them maintain their strength levels, but would also regulate the ratio of testosterone to epitestosterone. When they were tested, even though their testosterone levels were elevated (since Tribestan also raised epitestosterone levels) they remained in the acceptable range.

    Bodybuilders use 3 per day while on steroids and then increase to 6 per day when they stop. This helps to maintain muscle fullness and prevents the rapid decline in free testosterone levels in the body. With Tribestan, the body produces more testosterone and eliminates the necessity to taper off of steroids gradually the way most bodybuilders do. You can simply stop steroid use "cold turkey", increase from 3 to 6 tabs of Tribestan a day, and eliminate the, usual losses in strength, muscle mass and definition.
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: TeH FiLiP Maj 27, 2007, 07:05:55 posle podne
Zanimljivo,znaci tribestan je mnogo jaci od tribulusa,eto samo odgovorite coveku gde ga ima.
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: vuksa Maj 27, 2007, 11:00:30 posle podne
tribestan ili tribulus...slicno samo sto je tribestan jaci...ali kod nas se moze naci samo kod nekih dilera...inace u bugarskoj ga ima u svakoj apoteci
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: TeH FiLiP Maj 27, 2007, 11:02:16 posle podne
Znaci u bugarsku na leto opet :)
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: vuksa Maj 27, 2007, 11:08:58 posle podne
oooo da...ima da se kupi pakovanje tribestana znaci da imas da uzimas 10 dana ti izadje oko 15-20levra...
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: TeH FiLiP Maj 27, 2007, 11:11:08 posle podne
Da al koji ce mi sad,to za jedno 5-6 godina kad krene da opada nivo
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: dario83 Maj 27, 2007, 11:48:20 posle podne
hvala na odgovorima,saznao sam gde mogu da nabavim tribestan ali cu da sacekam jos neko sada mi jos nije potreban ;)pozzz :) :) :)
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: TeH FiLiP Maj 27, 2007, 11:50:34 posle podne
Pa ako si 83-e godiste,onda ti apsolutno nije potreban
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: dario83 Maj 27, 2007, 11:58:30 posle podne
ok hans ako si stariji mora da si i iskusniji pa mi reci sta bi za pocetak mogao da uzmem ??? ,do sada sam uzimao samo amino i creatin.
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: TeH FiLiP Maj 28, 2007, 12:00:52 pre podne
Nisam,imam 20god tek,pa pre svega toga ti je najvazniji protein,uzmi neki whey koncentrat.Uz to kao osnovu uzmi multivitamin i omega 3 masti.
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: Aleksandar Sh. Maj 28, 2007, 11:57:25 pre podne
Dobio sam neke informacije o Tribestanu odnosno da je oko 30evra u Bugarskoj i da se vodi kao kod nas Tribuluss......Znaci tamo ce te pre naci Tribestan nego Tribuluss.Tamo ga jos zovu Bugarski tribuluss i opste je poznat medju bilderima....
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: vuksa Maj 28, 2007, 07:34:17 posle podne
aco ne laprdaj plz 8) najjaci tribestan sto ima da se kupi...kosta oko 20evra za 10 dana...znaci znam zato sto sam trgovao

i kad trazis znaci udjes u apoteku i kazes tribestan najbolji sto ima...razumece te i cena je oko 20e
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: Aleksandar Sh. Maj 28, 2007, 07:46:59 posle podne
heheh ne laprdam :)......Reako mi je ortak u teretani :D......E sad ko laprda ne znam ::) ::) ......
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: vuksa Maj 28, 2007, 07:49:56 posle podne
bio i licno proverio...zadovoljan zadovoljan kolicinom novca kojom sam imao kod sebe ;D
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: Aleksandar Sh. Maj 28, 2007, 07:56:26 posle podne
Damn stupid bank....
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: dario83 Maj 28, 2007, 08:12:46 posle podne
Ljudi lik iz teretane od koga sam i cuo za tribestan uzima od dilera za 2000din,ne znam sta jos koristi uz njega kaze animal pac,i creatin???????? ??? ???    :D :D     ALI IZGLEDA EXTRA
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: Aleksandar Sh. Maj 30, 2007, 12:04:42 posle podne
Hmmmmm neko samo jede banane pa izgleda extra :D.....Salim se......
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: P A J S E R Jun 04, 2007, 12:29:42 pre podne
ja jedem banane i izgledam extra
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: Leonis Decembar 01, 2007, 11:39:15 pre podne
Pozdrav svima, evo jos nekih informacija o tribestanu, jel zna neko gde se moze nabaviti?  ;) Mislim da je odlican proizvod, najbolji iz grupe biljnih preparata koji ne ostavljaju stetne posledice.


Nehormonski bugarski fitokemijski biostimulator za muškarce i žene. Biljka Tribulus terrestris Bulgaricum samoniklo raste na prostoru Kavkaza ,Srednje Azije i Bugarskoj gdje se uzgaja i plantažno u medicinske svrhe.Na navedenim prostorima koristi se u tradicionalnoj medicini kao prirodni stimulator seksualnih funkcija kod muškaraca i žena,vitalnost i izdržljivost te ubrzava oporavak organizma nakon poja?anih napora naro?ito kod sportaša.
Bugarska farmaceutska tvrtka "Sopharma" više od 30 godina ispituje djelovanje i u?inke aktivnih komponenti biljke Tribulus terrestris Bulgaricum.Kao rezultat znanstvenih istraživanja i klini?kih ispitivanja upravo TRIBESTAN koji proizvodi "Sopharma" prihva?en je u svijetu kao najkvalitetniji proizvod ovog tipa.

TRIBESTAN je nehormonski fitokemijski biostimulator - alternativa sinteti?kim anabolnim hormonima.
TRIBESTAN u svakoj film tableti sadrži 250 mg ?istog ekstrakta koji predominantno ?ine saponini furosanolskog tipa s prevladavaju?om koli?inom protodioscina ( ne manje od 45% u TRIBESTANU ) koji su po strukturi bliski steroidnim hormonima.

Primjena kod muškaraca: TRIBESTAN pove?ava libido pove?ava i produžava vrijeme erekcije.TRIBESTAN temeljem klini?kih ispitivanja pove?ava koli?inu i pokretljivost spermatozoida i do 35%.Pove?ava nivo testosterona a s time i nivo hormona miši?nog rasta.
Preporu?a se kod smanjenje potencije,impotencije,hipotrofitestisa,steriliteta,aspermije,varikocele

Primjena kod žena: TRIBESTAN pove?ava libido i regulira ovulaciju,smanjuje vazomotori?ke simptome koji prate menopauzu,smanjuje apatiju i anksioznost.
Preporu?a se kod frigidnosti,andikrilnog steriliteta i klimakterijskih tegoba.

60 tableta

Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: Pedja_Petrovic Decembar 01, 2007, 02:23:20 posle podne
Preporu?a se kod smanjenje potencije,impotencije,hipotrofitestisa,steriliteta,aspermije,varikocele


dakle..da neko slucjano ne pomisli na to da tribestan moze da ucestvuje u izgradnji misicne mase jer kao neko je rekao da podize testostreon..

da...ali samo u maloj meri tj koliko je dovljno za popravljanje sexulanih funkcija a nikako toliko da moze da ucestvuje u izgradnji misicne mase
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: razoredge Decembar 01, 2007, 09:03:04 posle podne
mozda uz odredjenu kolicinu proteina, whey...  i mislim da je vise za snagu....  8)
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: Leonis Decembar 01, 2007, 09:17:00 posle podne
Jel ima neko da ga je koristio , da nam kaze informacije iz prve ruke  ;) ?
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: Pedja_Petrovic Decembar 02, 2007, 08:57:59 pre podne
mozda uz odredjenu kolicinu proteina, whey...  i mislim da je vise za snagu....  8)

uz neznam koju kolicinu whey proteina niti ce ti dati masu..a jos manje snagu..


ja sam ga koristio i veliki sam ljubitelj bugarskog tribestana...

korstio sam ga uvek nakon kura sa aas u svrhu oporavka mog prirodnog tesosterona kroz duzi vremenski period..

nisam pristalica standradnih oblika sto ljudi rade sa clomifenima i hcg...jer se veoma lose osecam od toga.

nasao sam se na tribestnau ili u zadnje vreme na tribulusu od 750mg....

dakle..odlicna stvar za reglusanje nivoa prirodnog tesosterona ukoliko je povecanje libida..itd..

ali za masu i snagu....nist aod toga
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: razoredge Decembar 02, 2007, 09:10:40 pre podne

Tako sam cuo, sto ne znaci da je i tacno...

Znaci TRIBESTAN sluzi samo za obnovu testosterona posle ciklusa...

Hvala na objasnjenju... pozzzzzz

Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: Pedja_Petrovic Decembar 02, 2007, 10:40:39 pre podne
MA nisi me razumeo..naravno da si verovatno tako cuo od lljudi koji nemaju pojma...

ja sam samo pkusao da ti priblzim kako to radi da ne kupujes recimo trbulus i posle budes razocaran jer nisi dobio masu..
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: razoredge Decembar 02, 2007, 10:47:58 pre podne
Pa zato i sluzi FORUM, da se bolje informisemo... A kad smo vec kod mase... nikad nisam tezio tome, uvek mi je bio cilj da skinem kilograme....   ;) 
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: razoredge Decembar 02, 2007, 10:49:33 pre podne
A da se razocaram zbog TRIBESTANA necu, posto nisam ni imao na umu da ga uzmem...   ;)
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: Leonis Decembar 02, 2007, 11:19:38 pre podne
Pedja, hvala na informacijama, ako covek ipak resi da uzme preparate ovog tipa, sta mislis jel bolje onda uzimati SNI tribulus 750, ili Ultimate Tribulus (750)  , ili Tribestan? U smislu odnosa cene i kvaliteta. (Jer je Tribestan duplo skuplji )
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: jovo18 Decembar 02, 2007, 11:20:59 pre podne
SNI Tribulus je odlican. Provereno!
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: Pedja_Petrovic Decembar 02, 2007, 11:25:14 pre podne

uzimao sam od dymatize i radio mi je fenomenlano..

vec duze vremena koristim tribulus firme koja ce uskoro da se nadje i kod nas pa onda ovom prilikom ne bih radio reklamu bez veze..

uvek bih pre koristio tribestan nego tribulus...ali cena tribestana je preterana i tu se svka prica zavrsava.. vredi tih para..
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: Leonis Decembar 02, 2007, 03:36:15 posle podne
Thanks! to pedja and jovo  ;)
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: Leonis Januar 13, 2008, 07:05:01 posle podne
@ Pedja_Petrovic

Kada se koristi tribulus u svrhu oporavka prirodnog test. umesto hcg-a, koliko dugo vremenski treba da se koristi?, i da li time moze da vrati test. na normalu ?

By the way, sta mislis o koriscenju ovog  novog proizvoda " blue up"  , u tu svrhu?  Jel postoji hcg u nekom drugom obliku sem u inekcijama?
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: jojevta Januar 13, 2008, 07:13:46 posle podne
Uf tribestan,ja ga juce narucio,treba da mi stigne za nedelju dve iz bugarske,ovde kod nas je skup....
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: Aleksandar Sh. Januar 13, 2008, 08:02:23 posle podne
za kolko para si ga narucio ?
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: jojevta Januar 13, 2008, 08:05:04 posle podne
hehee za DŽ.
ma ortak mi je tamo na nekim pripremama pa,mu rekoh da donese ako može
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: Aleksandar Sh. Januar 13, 2008, 08:43:56 posle podne
zato sto ga ja dobijam za nekih 2400
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: jojevta Januar 13, 2008, 09:22:19 posle podne
pa ja sad necu platiti nista,ali za sledeci put videcemo,stvarno ne znam koliko je tamo u bulgariji
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: Pedja_Petrovic Januar 14, 2008, 05:11:35 pre podne
@ Pedja_Petrovic

Kada se koristi tribulus u svrhu oporavka prirodnog test. umesto hcg-a, koliko dugo vremenski treba da se koristi?, i da li time moze da vrati test. na normalu ?

By the way, sta mislis o koriscenju ovog  novog proizvoda " blue up"  , u tu svrhu?  Jel postoji hcg u nekom drugom obliku sem u inekcijama?

izivni sa kasnjenjem..

ako je prirodni testosteron u tolkojmeri anrusen onda ga sigurno ences uspeti povratiti u kaktom vremenskom roku sa trbiestanom..

ona su za to potrebni LEKOVI..armidiex..nolvadex..hcg..clomifen...i sva ostala ortopedksa pomagla.

ali ovo ti je hvatanje sopstvenog repa...jer u ustini sto god neklo jeste veca budala i krosti teske androgene ..onda ce samim tim i biti veca mogucnost da se narusi prirodni test..

ukoliko se uzima nesto sto u tolikoj meri ences unisiti test..onda je to neka druga rpica...

sve u svemu..odlican preprat i treba svako da ga koristi
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: maja Januar 17, 2008, 11:46:51 pre podne
@ Pedja_Petrovic

Kada se koristi tribulus u svrhu oporavka prirodnog test. umesto hcg-a, koliko dugo vremenski treba da se koristi?, i da li time moze da vrati test. na normalu ?

By the way, sta mislis o koriscenju ovog  novog proizvoda " blue up"  , u tu svrhu?  Jel postoji hcg u nekom drugom obliku sem u inekcijama?
Ukoliko nemaš problema sa prostatom Tribulus možeš kontinuirano uzimati dva meseca. Zatim se pravi pauza od mesec dana, pa onda može ponovo da se uzima. Pauza se pravi zbog toga da ne bi višak slobodnog testesterona doveo do povećanja prostate.
U preparatima na bazi billjke Tribulus Terrestris najvažniji je procenat steroidnih saponina, a u Blue Up-u ima 80% saponina i 30% protodioscina, pa proceni sam... ;)
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: jojevta Januar 17, 2008, 11:48:55 pre podne
@ Pedja_Petrovic

Kada se koristi tribulus u svrhu oporavka prirodnog test. umesto hcg-a, koliko dugo vremenski treba da se koristi?, i da li time moze da vrati test. na normalu ?

By the way, sta mislis o koriscenju ovog  novog proizvoda " blue up"  , u tu svrhu?  Jel postoji hcg u nekom drugom obliku sem u inekcijama?
Ukoliko nemaš problema sa prostatom Tribulus možeš kontinuirano uzimati dva meseca. Zatim se pravi pauza od mesec dana, pa onda može ponovo da se uzima. Pauza se pravi zbog toga da ne bi višak slobodnog testesterona doveo do povećanja prostate.

u tom slucaju moze da pomogne Saw palmeto
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: Leonis Januar 17, 2008, 10:20:22 posle podne
Da, blue up mora biti dobar, pored tolikog procenta saponina takodje i blokira pretvaranje prirodnog test. u  SHBG, inace se 98 % prirodnog test. pretvori u SHBG, koji je za misice neupotrebljiv.
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: jovo18 Januar 18, 2008, 10:45:31 pre podne
Da, Blue Up prica dobro zvuci samo su potrebne iskustvene informacije. Dakle, jel ga ko probao?
Naslov: Odg: TRIBESTAN
Poruka od: Pedja_Petrovic Januar 21, 2008, 07:08:03 pre podne

meni nije jasno dali ti citas psotove ili samo pises nesto sto si procitao negde..


dakle...ako je testosreon SUPERSOVAN..kako moze doci do pojave VISKA TESOTSTREONA...pod 1..

a pod 2.....ti meni sada objasni kako to da se uvcanje prostate desi samo kod tbe an papriu..ili kod nekih extremionih slucajeva koji su tome podlozni..sta ce mo sa ostalih 99% poluacije kojima je testosreron povsien bilo sinteskim ili obicnim putem pa nemaju uvecanu prostatu???

trebalo bi da malo vise ipak cistas pa da onda krenes sa psianjem