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Autor Tema: Viktor Martinez i njegovi problemi sa USA vizom  (Pročitano 2761 puta)
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Poruke: 8645

« Odgovor #11 poslato: Januar 09, 2012, 09:07:45 posle podne »

Steta u svakom slucaju,jednostavno nema srece.pre 2 godine je imao porodicnu tragediju,sestru su mu ubili a inace je bio jako vezan za nju i sam kaze da mu je bila velika podrska u toku priprema.Inace ima 4 dece !Sve u svemu u problemu je i iskreno zelim mu da sto pre sve prebrodi i da ga vidimo na mr.O 2012 !
Miki Mihajlovic
Global Moderator
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Poruke: 30009

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #10 poslato: Januar 09, 2012, 07:29:56 posle podne »

To nisam znao da je imao zatvorsku kaznu zbog steroida!Znam da su ga optuzivali,ali mislio sam da je ostalo na tome.... :o
Ovde u textu pise da su mu obrisali sve dosadasnje kazne,pa valjda ako ovo resi onda ce resiti i drzavljanstvo,jedino ako stvarno ne bude deportovan...ostaje nam da vidimo!Ali stvarno steta za njega,jako je dobar i prijatan lik!Imao sam prilike sa njim da pricam u madarskoj i skroz je ok!
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Poruke: 8645

« Odgovor #9 poslato: Januar 08, 2012, 05:23:20 posle podne »

Mislim da je ranije imao problem sa zakonom i da je imao zatvorsku kaznu zbog ilegalne trgovine steroidima (tako sam bar citao ),tako da je sa dosijeom tesko dobiti drzavljanstvo i verovatno sto ce mu se desiti je deportacija u njegovu zemlju,nazalost!
Miki Mihajlovic
Global Moderator
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Poruke: 30009

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #8 poslato: Januar 07, 2012, 05:38:27 posle podne »

Steta!A bas sam se nadao da ce sad sve biti ok i da ce ga pustiti.Nadam se da ce ga pustiti uz kauciju i da ce vec jednom dobiti to drzavljanstvo!Nije mi samo jasno zasto dosad nije imao americko drzavljanstvo?Ovako mu i karijera stoji,ne moze da se takmici,a i biznis.Njegov restoran u New Yorku! :o
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Poruke: 20555

« Odgovor #7 poslato: Januar 07, 2012, 12:06:03 pre podne »

Konačno je došao 6. jan ali rešenje problema i dalje je u magli. Naredno saslušanje zakazano je za 24.feb. Evo i izveštaja preuzetog sa MD foruma:

"Ok fans of Victor Martinez, here is the scoop on what went down at Vic's hearing today in New York City.

Initially we thought that today's hearing was mainly concerned with some documentation procedures and once the procedures were finished the court would name a date for Martinez' final hearing. But it didn't quite work out that way.

According to our source, a few of the documents were not in order and the announcement of the date of Martinez' final hearing is now postponed until February 24th, 2012. Martinez attorneys believe that the final court date will be sometime in April or May.

There was a bright side for Martinez. A judge approved his application to waive his prior criminal charges.

Currently Martinez remains in mandatory detention without bail. Vic's attorneys think there is a possibility that he might be let out on parole sometime between now and the next hearing on February 24th. However it is also possible that he could stay detained until the final hearing that could be set for sometime in April or May.

According to his attorneys, if all goes well at his final hearing, he could be granted US citizenship.

Our sources say that Victor misses his family, misses his fans, wishes he had a gym and misses training. He looks healthy and rested. They even say that he will come back and be better than ever when he gets out.

Martinez was taken into custody October 9th, 2011 - one day after winning the Arnold Europe in Madrid, Spain - when he was attempting to re-enter the United States.

We will have Ron Harris get another extended interview with Victor shortly. Stay tuned to for the latest."
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Van mreže Van mreže

Poruke: 20555

« Odgovor #6 poslato: Decembar 21, 2011, 11:19:45 posle podne »

Ne bih da sam mu u koži. Zatvor, loša klopa, od vežbanja samo zgibovi i sklekovi, gledaš kako gubiš na masi, napolju ti propada posao, izgubio restoran, odvojen od porodice...
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Van mreže Van mreže

Poruke: 8645

« Odgovor #5 poslato: Decembar 21, 2011, 10:50:43 posle podne »

...tesko da ce da ostane u USA,njohovi zakoni su rigorozni po mnogo cemu narocito ako nije sve po propisu.Steta za Viktora,veliki potencijal ,nadajmo se da ce uspeti i ovo da resi.
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Van mreže Van mreže

Poruke: 20555

« Odgovor #4 poslato: Decembar 21, 2011, 10:38:00 posle podne »

Viktor je i definitivno potvrdio da neće moći da se takmiči na Arnold klasiku. Jeste velika šteta ali je mnogo bitnije da uspešno prebrodi situaciju, izaĂ°e iz zatvora i uspe da ostane u USA.

Victor out of the Arnold Classic

by Ron Harris

It's official. Due to his current circumstances, Victor Martinez will be unable to compete at the Arnold Classic now just over ten weeks away. Victor's next hearing will not take place until January 6. Even if he had been able to get out in time for Christmas, there would have been insufficient time to properly prepare.

"Normally I like to have at least twelve weeks to get ready for a show," he told me via telephone last night. "Since I've already been in here twelve weeks with no access to weights or quality food with high protein, it would take me a good six to eight weeks to regain the muscle I've lost and get back to feeling normal before I started a contest prep."

As far as his case goes, Victor was enthused to tell me a new liaison had been appointed to him recently. He described this man's position as being similar to a District Attorney, but for Immigration cases rather than criminal.

"Unlike the last guy, he actually came by to talk to me for a few minutes and let me know he would be reviewing my case in detail," he said. The man also let him know that he's seen many immigrants get probation for offenses less serious than those that have Victor currently under review for deportation.

Victor was not happy about his current situation, but he seems to be adapting. "I lost my restaurant, and now the landlord is suing me," he informed me. "I almost feel safer in here, except that I want to get out to be with my kids."

Victor is staying busy corresponding with fans and reading. Right now he is working on Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper and A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin. Martinez wanted to thank all his loyal fans for their support in this trying time, and to let us all know he's far from done. "I will compete again, mark my words," he said. "This whole situation makes me so hungry to just go back to what I love doing, training and competing as a professional bodybuilder. I don't know how long I will be in here or what the final outcome will be, but I will be back and better than ever."
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Van mreže Van mreže

Poruke: 20555

« Odgovor #3 poslato: Decembar 07, 2011, 01:40:48 posle podne »

A Life in Limbo

Arnold Classic Europe Champ Victor Martinez Awaits His Fate

Exclusive interview by Ron Harris

It was Thanksgiving evening. Most of us in the USA were enjoying or had enjoyed a sumptuous feast surrounded by our loved ones in a warm, inviting home. This was not where Victor Martinez was calling me from that Thursday traditionally reserved for stuffing ourselves with turkey, gravy, cranberry sauce and pie, and relaxing in comfort on cushy sofas watching football on massive plasma screen TVs. Instead, Victor was locked up in a cold, gray correctional facility in New Jersey, away from all his friends and loved ones and surrounded by strangers, and subsisting on the cheapest, most basic foodstuffs imaginable— designed to keep inmates alive from day to day and no more. Worst of all, he did not know whether his next stop after this would be heading home to his good friends and his four children, or to the airport to board his final flight ever out of the USA, deported back to his birthplace of the Dominican Republic. This was where Victor's head was at when we spoke....

Ceo intervju:
Napredni član
Van mreže Van mreže

Poruke: 1853

« Odgovor #2 poslato: Novembar 12, 2011, 07:15:15 posle podne »

zavrsio je on karijeru cini mi se
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Van mreže Van mreže

Poruke: 20555

« Odgovor #1 poslato: Novembar 10, 2011, 09:25:00 posle podne »

Verovatno ste čuli da je Vic imao probleme sa vizom, da je u zatvoru i da mu preti opasnost od deportovanja nazad u Dominikansku Republiku. Evo novih dešavanja preuzetih sa MD.


November 8, 2011

One month after being detained for immigration issues, Victor Martinez appeared in front of a judge today to determine if he would be allowed to post bail and get out from behind bars until his next hearing. Martinez was denied the opportunity to post bail and he remains in custody. As of now, he will remain in mandatory detention without bail until his next court appearance scheduled for January 6, 2012.

Martinez' attorneys have filed for a parole request that could free the Arnold Classic Europe Champion until the next trial, however it is uncertain whether it will be granted.

Our prayers are with Victor and hopefully everything works out in his behalf.

Check back for more details


Ukratko: pojavio se pred sud posle mesec dana zatvora, odbijeno mu je pravo na kauciju i odbrane sa slobode, pa ostaje pritvoren do narednog saslušanja(6.jan 2012.)
« Poslednja izmena: Decembar 07, 2011, 10:07:12 pre podne od strane Robert » Sačuvana
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