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Autor Tema: CAFFE...  (Pročitano 1410362 puta)
Dule Indijanac
« Odgovor #7749 poslato: Novembar 03, 2008, 05:15:56 posle podne »

Priblizno je tacno, nije sada tacno u gram!

Meni je izbacio da mogu 109 kg...

ti stefy mozes kao oko 109 kg da izbacis iz bencha ?
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Poruke: 9909

The Heat-h is on!

« Odgovor #7748 poslato: Novembar 03, 2008, 05:11:32 posle podne »

Kako je owaj forum prazan bez Marka the beatch...gde si kucko, jawi se?

Cuo sam da si dobio zabranu, jer si opet bezao iz skole? :D

Check this out:

samo na osnovu tezine ce mi reci kao max bench ... MA daaaaaaaaa ... a shta je sa bf i procentom brzih i sporih vlakan i josh 100 drugih faktora ... jaaaaako korisno ..

probaj,meni je u kg pogodio
Fakultet za sport i turizam tims. assistant
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Poruke: 2212

« Odgovor #7747 poslato: Novembar 03, 2008, 04:59:39 posle podne »

pa uzmes jedan tim npr fudbalski i svima im izracunas 1rm i onda na rade na 80%. Oni koji naprave manje od sedam ponavljanja imaju veci % tipicnih brzih vlakana, od 7-12 priblizno jednak % vlakan sporog i brzog trzaja ili brza vlakna prvog tipa koja imaju i osobine sporih vlakana i oni preko 12 ponavljanja imaju relativno veci procenat izdrzljivih misicnih vlakana. Jedan od jednostavnijih nacina da se relativno tacno odredi struktura misica i od toga konacno zavisi plan i program treninga, koji sportisti se kako zagrevaju itd. itd...
MSc Sport Scientist
Faculty of sport and tourism - Assistant
Center of Health, Exercise and Sport Science CHESS   feel free to contact me

Practice will not make you perfect, perfect practice will make you perfect.
The unfuckable
Napredni član
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Poruke: 1690

"You are very cute,but I am on diet":)

« Odgovor #7746 poslato: Novembar 03, 2008, 04:55:58 posle podne »

Priblizno je tacno, nije sada tacno u gram!

Meni je izbacio da mogu 109 kg...
My imaginary friend thinks you have serious problems...
ognjen novakov
" Shut the fuck up and train. "
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Poruke: 3137

Chips,Cola i telefon Motorola ;)

« Odgovor #7745 poslato: Novembar 03, 2008, 04:47:15 posle podne »

Nemoj sad Sale  :D .. meni je rekao da mogu 98 jedanput... probace se....  ;D ;D

Fakultet za sport i turizam tims. assistant
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Poruke: 2212

« Odgovor #7744 poslato: Novembar 03, 2008, 04:46:11 posle podne »

Kako je owaj forum prazan bez Marka the beatch...gde si kucko, jawi se?

Cuo sam da si dobio zabranu, jer si opet bezao iz skole? :D

Check this out:

samo na osnovu tezine ce mi reci kao max bench ... MA daaaaaaaaa ... a shta je sa bf i procentom brzih i sporih vlakan i josh 100 drugih faktora ... jaaaaako korisno ..

ma to sto ti trazi da uneses Weight, nije za tvoju tezinu, nego tezinu koju dizes i pored tamo pod "reps" stavis kolko mozes izbacaja da uradis sa tom tezinom, npr 10, i on ti izbaci kao koliku tezinu mozes da izbacis samo jedanput max...

a to je tako individualno, da je ovo skroz beskorisno...
dve osobe mogu da imaju isto rm npr 100kg i onda da 75kg jedna digne 12 a druga 8 puta...
MSc Sport Scientist
Faculty of sport and tourism - Assistant
Center of Health, Exercise and Sport Science CHESS   feel free to contact me

Practice will not make you perfect, perfect practice will make you perfect.
Dule Indijanac
« Odgovor #7743 poslato: Novembar 03, 2008, 04:22:49 posle podne »

Kako je owaj forum prazan bez Marka the beatch...gde si kucko, jawi se?

Cuo sam da si dobio zabranu, jer si opet bezao iz skole? :D

Check this out:

samo na osnovu tezine ce mi reci kao max bench ... MA daaaaaaaaa ... a shta je sa bf i procentom brzih i sporih vlakan i josh 100 drugih faktora ... jaaaaako korisno ..

ma to sto ti trazi da uneses Weight, nije za tvoju tezinu, nego tezinu koju dizes i pored tamo pod "reps" stavis kolko mozes izbacaja da uradis sa tom tezinom, npr 10, i on ti izbaci kao koliku tezinu mozes da izbacis samo jedanput max...
« Odgovor #7742 poslato: Novembar 03, 2008, 03:31:32 posle podne »

Kako je owaj forum prazan bez Marka the beatch...gde si kucko, jawi se?

Cuo sam da si dobio zabranu, jer si opet bezao iz skole? :D

Check this out:

samo na osnovu tezine ce mi reci kao max bench ... MA daaaaaaaaa ... a shta je sa bf i procentom brzih i sporih vlakan i josh 100 drugih faktora ... jaaaaako korisno ..
« Odgovor #7741 poslato: Novembar 03, 2008, 03:30:21 posle podne »

shabanchina ... sve nize i nize pada ...

inb4 niggalover
Dule Indijanac
« Odgovor #7740 poslato: Novembar 03, 2008, 03:08:02 posle podne »

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AFP) – Muscleman-turned-actor-turned-politician Arnold Schwarzenegger called on Barack Obama to beef up his his policies -- and his body -- at a high-voltage campaign rally for Republican John McCain Friday.

Schwarzenegger, the Hollywood action hero who is now the Republican governor of California, delighted a crowd of several thousand at a McCain campaign event in Ohio by ridiculing both Obama's policies and his slender physique.

The Austrian-born former Mr Universe has hosted a bodybuilding tournament in Columbus for several years, and opened his address by inviting Obama to participate in the next event.

"Every year in March I come here to organize the Arnold Classic, which is all about building the body and pumping," Schwarzenegger said.

"That's why I want to invite Senator Obama because he needs to do something about those skinny legs. I'm going to make him do some squats.

"And then we're going to make him do some biceps curls to beef up those scrawny little arms. But if he could only do something about putting some meat on his ideas.

"Senator McCain on the other hand is built like a rock. His character and his views are solid."

McCain and Schwarzenegger rolled into the Nationwide Arena Hockey Stadium together on the Republican candidate's "Straight Talk Express", the campaign bus that has ferried him on a two-day blitz of this battleground state.

While McCain received loud cheers, it was Schwarzenegger who provided some much-needed glamor and the biggest cheers with a searing attack on Obama's economic policies. He meanwhile painted former Vietnam War prisoner and navy pilot McCain as a "real-life American hero."

"John McCain's character has been tested as no other presidential candidate in the history of this nation," Schwarzenegger said. "He has spent five and a half years as a prisoner of war. He has been tested under torture, under temptation, under deprivation, under isolation.

"He has proven what kind of a man he is. We don't have to wonder if he's ready to lead. We don't have to wonder is he ready to be president of the United States. John McCain has served his country longer in a POW camp than his opponent has served in the United State Senate."

Ohio is a must-win state for McCain, 72, who is trailing Obama in a clutch of pivotal battlegrounds won by outgoing President George W. Bush in 2004.

preuzeto sa Yahoo news-a
The unfuckable
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Poruke: 1690

"You are very cute,but I am on diet":)

« Odgovor #7739 poslato: Novembar 03, 2008, 01:51:36 posle podne »

Kako je owaj forum prazan bez Marka the beatch...gde si kucko, jawi se?

Cuo sam da si dobio zabranu, jer si opet bezao iz skole? :D

Check this out:

« Poslednja izmena: Novembar 03, 2008, 02:03:47 posle podne od strane stefy » Sačuvana
My imaginary friend thinks you have serious problems...
Hero Member
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« Odgovor #7738 poslato: Novembar 01, 2008, 07:17:54 posle podne »

Hahah, presmijah se sad, cuh na TV Svacika rekao da je Obama previse mrsav, i da treba da popravi malo ruke  ;D
I don't give a fuck
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Poruke: 9909

The Heat-h is on!

« Odgovor #7737 poslato: Novembar 01, 2008, 04:29:38 posle podne »

sta si s enavadio :D
Aktivan član
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Poruke: 930

« Odgovor #7736 poslato: Novembar 01, 2008, 09:37:50 pre podne »
Pain is temporary, Pride is forever
Aktivan član
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Poruke: 930

« Odgovor #7735 poslato: Novembar 01, 2008, 09:31:06 pre podne »
Pain is temporary, Pride is forever
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