Pansport Forum
Suplementacija => Katalog => Kreatin => Temu započeo: Aleksandar Sh. Februar 10, 2008, 02:47:39 pre podne
Sta mislite o ovom proizvodu ?
I koliko uzimati u danima ne treniranja ako se u danima treninga uzima 6 kapsula
znaci u pauzi duplo manje ili ?
Ne izgleda lose,mada nova je stvar,neko ima iskustva ?
Pa kontam da je dobar,nego me zanima da li je neko imao slicna iskustva i informacija koliko uzimati u danima pauze ?
Ne verujem da treba da se isto uzima 6 kapsula.....
kreatin u tabletama je mnogo prakticniji od obicnog kreatina, a i bolja je apsorpcija, moze se kreatin iskoristiti u potpunosti...ja imam biotechow kreatin CREA ALKALINE-90 tableta...
ja mislim da je bas dobar owaj kreatin...malo mi je skup...ja sam moj platio ni manje, ni wise, nego 700 din...
kako bioteckov kreatin moze da bude sad tu nesto extra?? kad se zna da je biotech proizvodjac slabog kvaliteta..dalje...logicno je da se prah rastvara brze od tablete..tako da sve je bolje u prasku sto ima
jel u tabletam ili u kapsulama? misli u kapsulama je isto prah, samo je eto malo prakticnije jer ne moras da rastvaras, ali u sustini je isto a skuplje pa ne vidim cemu to...
Koliko ja znam kapsule su u pitanju.....
Ima i u prahu nesto je malo jeftiniji oko 400din
ja sam cuo da je ova novi od nutrabolicsa u caps odlican... ne znam u kom je obliku...
Iskreno dati 5000 za kreatin mnogo........
Aleksandre, ako budes uzeo CEE javi kakav je u poredjenju sa Monohidratom posto planiram da uzmem CEE ali ne u skorije vreme ;)
Aco bre batali te gluposti:D
ja sam cuo da je ova novi od nutrabolicsa u caps odlican... ne znam u kom je obliku...
Ok,videcu ako uzmem ostavicu svoje utiske....
stigao u prodaju i Primaforce Creatine Etile Ester
'Ebesh kredzu...
8) 8) 8)
I mene bas zanima kakav je.Ko proba,nek obavezno javi kakav je :)
CEE info- (
Teoretski CEE je zakon, a dali je svarno toliko dobar nisam siguran jer po americkim forumima ga polovina hvali a ostali ga crne. Jedino da probam pa cu da vidim... U svakom slucaju javljam dali vredi ili ne ;)
Inace uzecu od Prima Force veoma je povoljan :)
Kolko kosta?
1680, ako se pije 2X2g(kao i preporuceno) traje 2 meseca, ali meni nekako malo izgleda samo 4g dnevno.Evo vidi (
Kreatin etilestar prolazi kroz ćelijsku membranu bez prenosioca, što znači bolju apsorpciju!!! Ova forma ne izaziva nadimanje i nelagodnost u stomaku, brzo se apsorbuje u mišićno tkivo podržavajući sintezu ATP-a, snažnu unutarćelijsku volumizaciju, rast mišića, snagu i izdržljivost. ;) 8)
Kreatin etilestar prolazi kroz ćelijsku membranu bez prenosioca, što znači bolju apsorpciju!!! Ova forma ne izaziva nadimanje i nelagodnost u stomaku, brzo se apsorbuje u mišićno tkivo podržavajući sintezu ATP-a, snažnu unutarćelijsku volumizaciju, rast mišića, snagu i izdržljivost. ;) 8)
I zato sto sam prodire u misicnu celiju bez prenosioca nemora da se pauzira sa uzimanjem CEE-a, moze da se pije bez prestanka...u teoriji ;D
evo vam o CEE
Creatine ethyl ester rapidly degrades to creatinine in stomach acid
Child R1 and Tallon MJ2 1Department of Life Sciences, Kingston University, Penrhyn Rd, Kingston-upon-Thames, United Kingdom. 2University of Northumbria, Sport Sciences, Northumbria University, Northumberland Building, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, DrChild
Creatine ethyl ester (CEE) is a commercially available synthetic creatine that is now widely used in dietary supplements. It comprises of creatine with an ethyl group attached and this molecular configuration is reported to provide several advantages over creatine monohydrate (CM). The Medical Research Institute (CA, USA) claim that the CEE in their product (CE2) provides greater solubility in lipids, leading to improved absorption. Similarly San (San Corporation, CA, USA) claim that the CEE in their product (San CM2 Alpha) avoids the breakdown of creatine to creatinine in stomach acids. Ultimately it is claimed that CEE products provide greater absorption and efficacy than CM. To date, none of these claims have been evaluated by an independent, or university laboratory and no comparative data are available on CEE and CM.
This study assessed the availability of creatine from three commercial creatine products during degradation in acidic conditions similar to those that occur in the stomach. They comprised of two products containing CEE (San CM2 Alpha and CE2) and commercially available CM (CreapureÒ). An independent laboratory, using testing guidelines recommended by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), performed the analysis. Each product was incubated in 900ml of pH 1 HCL at 37± 1oC and samples where drawn at 5, 30 and 120 minutes. Creatine availability was assessed by immediately assaying for free creatine, CEE and the creatine breakdown product creatinine, using HPLC (UV)
After 30 minutes incubation only 73% of the initial CEE present was available from CE2, while the amount of CEE available from San CM2 Alpha was even lower at only 62%. In contrast, more than 99% of the creatine remained available from the CM product. These reductions in CEE availability were accompanied by substantial creatinine formation, without the appearance of free creatine. After 120minutes incubation 72% of the CEE was available from CE2 with only 11% available from San CM2 Alpha, while more than 99% of the creatine remained available from CM.
CEE is claimed to provide several advantages over CM because of increased solubility and stability. In practice, the addition of the ethyl group to creatine actually reduces acid stability and accelerates its breakdown to creatinine. This substantially reduces creatine availability in its esterified form and as a consequence creatines such as San CM2 and CE2 are inferior to CM as a source of free creatine.
evo vam o CEE
Creatine ethyl ester rapidly degrades to creatinine in stomach acid
Child R1 and Tallon MJ2 1Department of Life Sciences, Kingston University, Penrhyn Rd, Kingston-upon-Thames, United Kingdom. 2University of Northumbria, Sport Sciences, Northumbria University, Northumberland Building, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, DrChild
Creatine ethyl ester (CEE) is a commercially available synthetic creatine that is now widely used in dietary supplements. It comprises of creatine with an ethyl group attached and this molecular configuration is reported to provide several advantages over creatine monohydrate (CM). The Medical Research Institute (CA, USA) claim that the CEE in their product (CE2) provides greater solubility in lipids, leading to improved absorption. Similarly San (San Corporation, CA, USA) claim that the CEE in their product (San CM2 Alpha) avoids the breakdown of creatine to creatinine in stomach acids. Ultimately it is claimed that CEE products provide greater absorption and efficacy than CM. To date, none of these claims have been evaluated by an independent, or university laboratory and no comparative data are available on CEE and CM.
This study assessed the availability of creatine from three commercial creatine products during degradation in acidic conditions similar to those that occur in the stomach. They comprised of two products containing CEE (San CM2 Alpha and CE2) and commercially available CM (CreapureÒ). An independent laboratory, using testing guidelines recommended by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), performed the analysis. Each product was incubated in 900ml of pH 1 HCL at 37± 1oC and samples where drawn at 5, 30 and 120 minutes. Creatine availability was assessed by immediately assaying for free creatine, CEE and the creatine breakdown product creatinine, using HPLC (UV)
After 30 minutes incubation only 73% of the initial CEE present was available from CE2, while the amount of CEE available from San CM2 Alpha was even lower at only 62%. In contrast, more than 99% of the creatine remained available from the CM product. These reductions in CEE availability were accompanied by substantial creatinine formation, without the appearance of free creatine. After 120minutes incubation 72% of the CEE was available from CE2 with only 11% available from San CM2 Alpha, while more than 99% of the creatine remained available from CM.
CEE is claimed to provide several advantages over CM because of increased solubility and stability. In practice, the addition of the ethyl group to creatine actually reduces acid stability and accelerates its breakdown to creatinine. This substantially reduces creatine availability in its esterified form and as a consequence creatines such as San CM2 and CE2 are inferior to CM as a source of free creatine.
stvarno ne znam sta da mislim ::)
Point is :Monohydrate is supreme :D
Point is :Monohydrate is supreme :D
pa tako nekako ispada he he
Jedino je CM clinicki proveren i dokazn da radi.Dok za ostale oblike kreatina mozemo samo da procitamo tvrdnje proizvodjaca, koje su uvek pozitivne, za koje se nikad nezna dali su tacne dok se ne proveri licno, a i tada je tesko utvrditi dali je bolji ili gori od monoa
Ma ja sam vec rekao poentu,sav kreatin radi istu stvar to treba svatiti
to je nazalost tesko objasniti populaciji.
ja neznam samo okle ovome narodu pare da se zamlacuje sa svim tim suplementima?
ja da imam mjesecno 300e samo za suplemente pa ni po jada da kupim nesto od toga,ali sigurno bi uzeo tone wheya bcaa i glutamina!
U ponudi PANSPORT-a mozete naci cist KREATIN ETIL ESTER
od sledecih firmi:
Batalte CEE i ostanite pri monohidratu...
Da li treba piti Etil estar u danima kada se ne trenira?
Ja bas pijem CEE od Primaforce i bas sam zadovoljan.
Pijem ga 2g pre i 2g posle treninga,a u dane pauze uzmem
2g tokom dana na prazan stomak.Tako i savetujem svima koji
ga pazare kod mene.
A ovaj biotekov?ja pijem celu mericu to je 5g,znaci i kada ne treniram na prazan stomak tih 5g?