Pansport Forum
Trening => Sportovi snage => Ostali sportovi => Powerlifting => Temu započeo: Miki Mihajlovic Januar 09, 2012, 06:55:01 posle podne
Naravno,sad ste svi ocekivali snimak Stana Efferdinga ili Jonnie O Jacksona,ali ima tu jos jakih bildera(naravno i Ronnie spada medju njih,on je posebna prica,ali on je i poceo svoju karijeru kao powerlifter!),rec je o Roelly-ju Winklaar-u.Na ovom snimku ga mozemo videti kako radi cucanj sa 340kg i to 8 ponavljanja!!!!
8 reps Ă 340kg au squat par Roelly Winklaar. (
I to radi bez zakljucavanja u fleksiji ,sto je mnogo teze i drzi kvadriceps konstantno aktivnim.respekt!
To se zove dvojac u četvrt čučnju ;)
kao da ima napad epilepsije :D
kao da ima napad epilepsije :D
Voleo bih da imam takav napad epilepsije!:D
opseg pokreta mu je 5cm, nosi kacket dok vezba, sav se umotao, stavio slusalice dok radi, ne vidim sta tu ima impresivno
inace, kod cucnja, primaran pokret je ekstenzija u kolenu, nema nikakve fleksije :D
opseg pokreta mu je 5cm, nosi kacket dok vezba, sav se umotao, stavio slusalice dok radi, ne vidim sta tu ima impresivno
Za onoga ko je stavio preko 200 kg ikada na cucnju je impresivno,za one koji baratju samo brojkama i citaju i nije :)
To nije cucanj kada uradi cuxanj onda ce biti impresovno ovo je samo neko geganje
Ne verujem da mu je ovo jedina serija,pre ovoga je verovatno radio i sa 250 kg 10 x i to onako kako treba,a sa 340 kg bi bilo riskantno da ode dublje zbog povreda a sa ovom tezinom i vise nego dovoljno pogadja neka misicna vlakna i ako se gega.Nije isto ici u dubok cucanj sa 100 kg ili sa 200 kg ili sa 300 kg.Oni koji su probali to razumeju,nadam se da ne shvatas pogresno.
Ludo burazere 8)
cucanj je cucanj, a ovo nije ni blizu cucnja
ako ne mozes da cucnes sa tom tezinom onda ne radis sa tom tezinom
I ovakvi spoteri zlata vrede, gledala sam onaj snimak Radete Savica u klubu partizan, momak je mogao da pogine pored onih likova...
ja se ovde definitivno slažem sa Markonijem...kontam ja šta hoće i Marko da kaže, nikome nije svejedno da drži takvu kilažu an leĂ°ima, ali i dalje sam siguran da od ovog čučnja nema ništa.
Trenutno treniram sa Ervinom i Igorom Mitrovićem, a svi znaju da Igor ima najgoru tehniku čučnja, ali opet mu se dupe zakuca na pod svaki put kad radi, pa čak i kad drži 340kg na leĂ°ima i bez ovih smhotresnih rekvizita kojima se ovaj umoto, a još treba da vidim da neko sa ovako pravim leĂ°ima čučne tu kilažu tako da sam i rekao da je ovo čučanj udvoje zato što su zajedno radili tu kilažu...
Ok,Alene ali ovde je rec o bilderu a ne o powerlifteru,tako da se ja slazem sa Markom!
U pravu si ti sto se cucnja tice i dubine,ali daleko od toga da je ovo bilo geganje ili napad epilepsije!
Meni lično ne smeta ni dubina ni geganje ni epilepsija, to je Markoni standardno napaćen ;) ali još je gore što je bilder u pitanju. Bilderi idu da razviju veliku mišićnu masu i cilj im je izolacija mišića koliko god je to moguće, tako da bi i ovo što je Rooley radio bilo mnogo logičnije na Smith mašini...ali ajde cepidlačimo ;)
Ja samo kazem da to nije cucanj kako je napisano u nazivu klipa ne pominjem zasto je rako radio ni svrhu
Ne treba izostaviti cinjenicu da se verovatno sprema za Arnold Clasic ,a to je pocetkom marta sto ce reci da je na nizem unosu hidrata !
Johnnie Jackson Powerlifting Training 1 10 12 (
Uh,sto volim njegove treninge!!!Pogotovo kad vezba zajedno sa Branchom Warrenom!!!
Sprema se,sprema!!! ;)
Uzasno je jak i fantastican gornji deo tela !
Ovo mi izgleda kao mudar PL trening... A trapez i ramena su vrh.
Jako sam inspirisana gradjom tela pwliftera i iz tog razloga bash forsiram chuchanj, mrtvo i potisak sa zivim tegom.
Johnnie je zver,svaka cast za poduhvate,negde na netu sam procitao da je jednom prilikom dok se spremao za BB takmicenje izasao na deadlift takmicenje I povukao +800 lbs.ona vezba za kuk izgleda interesantno,molio bih iskusnije liftere da mi malo priblize o cemu se radi :). Ali Johnnie-u svaka cast,tacno se vidi da ima tu liftersku gradju iako je BB.
Ovo mi izgleda kao mudar PL trening... A trapez i ramena su vrh.
Jako sam inspirisana gradjom tela pwliftera i iz tog razloga bash forsiram chuchanj, mrtvo i potisak sa zivim tegom.
Da,to je bio PL trening,Jonnie se sprema na powerlifting takmicenje.Ceo gornje telo mu je vrh!!!
Johnnie je zver,svaka cast za poduhvate,negde na netu sam procitao da je jednom prilikom dok se spremao za BB takmicenje izasao na deadlift takmicenje I povukao +800 lbs.ona vezba za kuk izgleda interesantno,molio bih iskusnije liftere da mi malo priblize o cemu se radi :). Ali Johnnie-u svaka cast,tacno se vidi da ima tu liftersku gradju iako je BB.
Ta vezba u powerliftingu se koristi prvenstveno zbog jacanja lockout-a kod deadlifta,a u fitnessu ga koriste za jacanje i oblikovanje zadnjice.
Nije vežba za kuk nego za guzicu ili ti gluteus i to jedna od najboljih vežbi za gluteus. Fora je u tome što je gluteus najjači mišić na ljudskom telu, ali većina ljudi ima "mrtav" gluteus jer od silnog sedenja taj mišić atrofira i ulenji se što je vezano za nervni sistem, tako da je potrebno d se radi aktivaciju gluteusa, a ova vežba kad se radi pravilno može da izoluje gluteus od zadnje lože i donjeg dela leĂ°a pa samim time može da se forsita samo taj mišić.
Evo najnovijeg treninga Johnnieja Jacksona gde radi ruke,i prica o tome kako je prosao na PL takmicenju i kako se sad vraca body buildingu: (!
Sada se sprema za FIBO Power Germany u Essenu,Nemacka.
Uskoro ću otvoriti temu o FIBO-u, polako se bliži. :) Već znam 4-5 bb koji su prijavili učešće.
Uskoro ću otvoriti temu o FIBO-u, polako se bliži. :) Već znam 4-5 bb koji su prijavili učešće.
Ok,vazi,da znam sa kim cu imati prilike da se vidim i popricam!:D
Evo jos jedan primer,radi se o Benu Pakulskim,poznatijim kao PAK MAN:
PAK MANs Huge Squat 675 Raw (
Bilder iz Madarske Daniel Tot radi benc sa 200kg na ponavljanje:
Kako lep i kontrolisan pokret. Lep bilderski stil benča. ;D
Kako lep i kontrolisan pokret. Lep bilderski stil benča. ;D
I sve to sa 200kg.:)
To je i srž mog posta. Svako može imati lep i kontrolisan pokret sa 100 kg (govorim o takmičarima). :D
Evo ga opet,ali sada sa 220kg! ;)
Jadran Damjanovic-shoulder press 90 degrees, 29.1.2015.: 170kg(374lbs)*1; 150kg(330lbs)*4
Jadran Damjanovic-BENCH T&G: 190KG(418LBS)X1, 210kg(462lbs)x1,180kg(396lbs)x7; 30.11.2015.
Morgan Aste, grdosija od preko 160 kg, radi benč 200 kg x 17 ponavljanja
Jadran Damjanovic-230kg benc
Dallas McCarver:I always wanted to be Like the GOAT Ronnie and pull 800lbs but... the math was easier with 100lbs plates. 4 on each side makes 845 so that's what we went with. Not bad for a 24 year old kid who just pulls heavy once a month. ;)
19.2.2016; treci trening mrtvog; 250kg(550lbs)Ă—5;no straps, no belt; 160kg(352lbs)Ă—7+1 + resistance belts; no straps, no belt
Jadran Damjanovic
Opet Jadran,ali ovog puta potisak sa bucicama od 50kg po komadu sedeci za ramena,12 ponavljanja
Morgan Aste i sedeci potisak na masini za ramena sa 280kg....
Jadran Damjanovic-paused bench press 235kg(517lbs)x1
Akim Williams making it VERY clear once again that he's one of the, if not THE strongest pro in the IFBB!
Stan Rhino Efferding-Beast! 49 year old (@stanefferding) repping 605lbs (274kg)
Stanova leda!!!!
Josh Lenartowicz i cucanj od 325kg
12 najjacih bodi bildera ikada
12. Zack Khan
Zack Khan is a super heavyweight bodybuilder, born in India, but competing out of England. He is known for his massive size, which helped him win the 2009 British Championships. Furthermore, he is simply an imposing force, and a mountain of a man.
What earns Khan an entry onto our list of strongest bodybuilders is his ability to bench heavy weights. He is known to regularly bench more than 500lb, which is quite incredible. In addition to that, he is able to curl 100lb dumbbells with no issue.
11. Mike Van Wyck
One of Canada’s best bodybuilders, Mike Van Wyck has been competing since 2005. Furthermore he has competed at the Toronto Pro, as well as winning several national championships. He is known for his bulky frame, and large back.
When it comes to lifting, Van Wyck is used to doing high reps of solid weight. He has been able to bench 315lb for over 30 reps, which is just incredible. While his max lift is not known, he has also been seen doing 200lb incline dumbbell presses. He is a quite strong bodybuilder.
10. Larry Wheels
Larry Wheels is a bit of a unique entry on our list. While he does have a history with bodybuilding, he is actually more known as a powerlifter. As a result, he is certainly among the most powerful bodybuilders in history. He is known as a bit of a phenom, and every time he hits the gym he is looking to lift heavier than the last time.
Wheels’ Instagram is full of constant videos of him hitting the gym, and lifting heavy. As far as bodybuilders or powerlifters go he is certainly one of the strongest out there. Not only that, but he is constantly looking to get stronger.
9. Stan Efferding
Stan Efferding is another person who flirts the line between powerlifting and bodybuilding. The only difference here, is that he has been highly successful in both worlds. Furthermore, he started off his career as a bodybuilder, before giving powerlifting a try.
It was not until his 40’s that Efferding really began to take things to the next level. He earned his IFBB Pro Card, winning in a few contests. On the other hand, he was able to hit powerlifting personal records of a 606 bench press, 865 squat, and 837 deadlift. Even in his 50’s, he is extremely strong among bodybuilders everywhere.
8. Franco Columbo
The late, great Franco Columbo is one of the most influential bodybuilders of all time. Moreover, he was widely regarded as being the strongest bodybuilder in his generation, despite his smaller stature. At 5’5, people were often blown away by some of the feats of strength he was able to achieve.
Due to the timeframe of his career, Columbu’s lift records are a bit hard to verify. However, it is widely reported that he managed to hit a 750lb deadlift, 665lb squat, 525lb bench press., and 400lb clean and jerk. Additionally, he was known to bend steel bars and impress onlookers. Therefore, he is not only one of the most legendary, but also strongest bodybuilders there ever was,
7. Casey Viator
Casey Viator had the most success as bodybuilder when he was a teenager. In 1971, at the age of just 19, he managed to win the Mr. America title. As a result, he is considered to be one of the best teenager bodybuilders of all time.
Although he only sporadically competed as a bodybuilder after that, Viator did not stop hitting the gym. Subsequently, he managed to hit some impressive lifts in his time training. Some of his best seem to be his full-body workout of a 505lb squat for 14 reps, 215lb behind-the-neck press for 20 reps, 100lb dip for 20 reps, 200lb barbell curl for 20 reps, and 400lb barbell curls for 30 reps.
6. Ben White
Starting his career as a powerlifter, Ben White transitioned to a career in bodybuilding in 2007. Winner of the USA Championships, he had a modest career among bodybuilders. Nevertheless, his powerlifting background gave him an incredibly strong frame.
White is best known for his ability to have an absurd amount of reps. Somehow, he managed to hit an incredible 50 reps while benching 100lb dumbbells. Moreover, he managed to hit a 710lb raw deadlift, in 2003. He was not necessarily the most impressive of the bodybuilders on our list, he is impossibly strong all the same.
5. Tom Platz
Tom Platz had a solid amount of success as a bodybuilder. He managed to win the Mr. Universe title in 1980. Additionally he competed in many Mr. Olympia contests, scoring as high as 3rd place in 1981.
When it comes to strength accomplishments, Platz makes some bold claims. Although it is worth noting that it is difficult to substantiate some of his records. Nevertheless, it is reported that he has squatted 635lbs for 15 reps, as well as 300lb for an astounding 50 reps. Moreover, he has repeatedly squatted for more than 10 straight minutes, for over 100 reps. His ability to squat is unrivaled by any other bodybuilders.
4. Eddie Robinson
After winning the USA Championships in 1989, Eddie Robinson was thought to be one of the more promising bodybuilders at the time. In the end, he would ultimately retire young, at age 34, never quite achieving much success. However, he was still able to maintain incredible physical conditioning.
What lands Robinson on our list, is some of the numbers from his day’s powerlifting. Although some of his more fanatical numbers are a little hard to believe, there are some things that are hard to doubt. He even managed to bench around 535lbs, in just a t-shirt. He is a truly powerful bodybuilder.
3. Johnnie Jackson
Johnnie O. Jackson was able to achieve massive success, both as a bodybuilder, and then a powerlifter. He was a winner of the Arnold Classic South Africa, as well as the Toronto Pro.
As a powerlifter, he set a deadlift world record in the 220lb division, at 814lb.
Jackson perhaps set his strength apart from his fellow bodybuilders with one particular achievement. He managed to hit 10 reps doing side laterals with 100lb dumbbells. Moreover, he has managed to have a competition total of 2,127lb at one point.
2. Chris Cormier
Chris Cormier may be the best bodybuilder to never win the Olympia. He came in third place twice, as well as coming in second place at the Arnold Classic six years in a row. He made a name for himself because of his strong and powerful frame.
When it comes to strength accomplishments, Cormier managed to hit an incline-press for 525lb for two reps and 405lb for 12 reps. Additionally, he did 1,200lb leg presses for 30 reps, as well as 900lb reverse hack squats for 10 reps. Subsequently, he proved to have the strongest legs in bodybuilding.
1. Ronnie Coleman
Ronnie Coleman has it all in his career. Not only did he manage to win the Mr. Olympia an unbelievable eight times, but he did so at a whopping 300lb. Moreover, he was able to be the literal definition of a strong and powerful bodybuilder.
Unlike the majority of the other entries on this list, Coleman was not just strong in one area. He was powerful everywhere, managing to leg press a literal ton for ten reps.
In addition to that, he has also benched 200lb dumbbells for 12 reps. Not only has he done moderate weight, but he has also lifted heavy, squatting 765lb for four reps and 800lb for two reps. All in all, he is clearly the strongest bodybuilder of all time.
Lionel Beyeke radi benc sa 190kg 12 ponavljanja!!!!