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Decembar 22, 2024, 03:13:52 pre podne
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Autor Tema: Hide Yamagishi  (Pročitano 31243 puta)
Miki Mihajlovic
Global Moderator
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Poruke: 29686

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #136 poslato: Mart 21, 2016, 11:16:05 pre podne »

Just got back to home from Fargo. I prefer to go straight to the gym after flight to adjust my body to regular regime
Miki Mihajlovic
Global Moderator
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Poruke: 29686

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #135 poslato: Decembar 28, 2015, 02:33:45 posle podne »

Hide u tajnosti vezba podizanje kugle.... ;D ;D ;D
Miki Mihajlovic
Global Moderator
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Poruke: 29686

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #134 poslato: Decembar 20, 2015, 07:08:11 posle podne »

Sto se leda tice Iris je u zenskom BB-u sto i Coleman u muskom!
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Poruke: 1853

« Odgovor #133 poslato: Decembar 20, 2015, 05:41:51 posle podne »

Da li je moguce da ovako lose rade zgibove? Ajde da imaju 120 kila pa da im je tesko...
Iris ima bolja ledja od mnogih muskih takmicara
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Poruke: 20555

« Odgovor #132 poslato: Decembar 20, 2015, 01:17:41 posle podne »

Iris ga izdominirala. :D
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Poruke: 1290

« Odgovor #131 poslato: Decembar 20, 2015, 12:24:52 posle podne »

Al se Hide izgrbavio na zgibovima :D
Miki Mihajlovic
Global Moderator
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Poruke: 29686

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #130 poslato: Decembar 20, 2015, 10:59:20 pre podne »

Ubitacna,sigurno.Cak i gledajuci.Pogotovo one trojke na deadliftu....a i ostalo.
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Poruke: 20555

« Odgovor #129 poslato: Decembar 19, 2015, 11:49:38 posle podne »

Fino što i dalje treniraju zajedno. Sad već dugo traje ta njihova saradnja. Više mi se dopada njena tehnika.
Miki Mihajlovic
Global Moderator
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Poruke: 29686

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #128 poslato: Decembar 19, 2015, 01:57:13 posle podne »

10X Ms O Iris Kyle and Hide Yamagishi train back
Miki Mihajlovic
Global Moderator
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Poruke: 29686

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #127 poslato: Decembar 06, 2015, 07:26:43 posle podne »

Meal1. 14 weeks out @arnoldsports 2016. 1cup oatmeal, 1cup egg white @eggwhitesint , 1scoop @gaspari #isofusion
Miki Mihajlovic
Global Moderator
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Poruke: 29686

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #126 poslato: Novembar 18, 2015, 01:02:26 posle podne »

Sinocni seminar Hidea
Miki Mihajlovic
Global Moderator
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Poruke: 29686

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #125 poslato: Novembar 14, 2015, 10:25:25 pre podne »

Novi protector za zube direktno iz Japana od dr. Matsuzaki-a
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Poruke: 20555

« Odgovor #124 poslato: Septembar 26, 2015, 05:10:27 posle podne »

Miki Mihajlovic
Global Moderator
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Poruke: 29686

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #123 poslato: Septembar 26, 2015, 07:43:53 pre podne »
Miki Mihajlovic
Global Moderator
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Poruke: 29686

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #122 poslato: Septembar 21, 2015, 05:41:13 posle podne »

 There's numerous of rumors floating regarding my final stage of preparation, I like to clarify the exacts, so the inconsistencies are eliminated.
As most of you know, I've been working with George Farah as my nutritionist for last 2 years, George and I managed to establish excellent improvements through out my entire physique allowing a first place finishing at the Tampa Pro 2014, 2nd Arnold Classic 2015, and 4th Olympia 2014.
Please understand I was satisfied with George's performance until approximately three weeks out from the most prestigious event of the year "The Olympia"
The line of communication with George and I was broken, therefore instead of becoming frustrated or panicking I decided to seek advise from another well known nutritionist Patrick Tour..
Patrick Tour is very hands on, up to the minute and second of each day., some athletes have the genetic make up to gather information from a far, but my physique requires constant checks and balances to display excellence, having Patrick step in allowed my physique to shine on the Olympia stage, as you all witness this past weekend.
After the Olympia George and I spoke, we've resolved our differences, however I decided to continue working with Patrick Tour. George extending his blessing wishing me all the best as I wish all the best to George.

I apologize to both party involved for creating unnecessary rumors. George and Patrick is a blessing to our sport, thanks George for your services, I truly appreciated.
Stay tune and Watch out my fellow competitors Patrick and I are coming to Ohio!
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