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Autor Tema: Arnold Švarceneger  (Pročitano 96641 puta)
Miki Mihajlovic
Global Moderator
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Poruke: 29810

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #629 poslato: Februar 07, 2021, 06:56:15 posle podne »

Bodybuilders in the 70’s used a low carbohydrate high protein and high fat diet.

Arnold said:

 I always lived off the rule that for every pound of body weight, I needed one gram of protein.

With a diet that consisted mostly of eggs, meat, fish, tuna, chicken, protein shakes, vegetables, and cottage cheese.

Arnold ate about 5 times a day and he says in one of his videos that he was not a big eater.

He was easily satisfied with a medium-sized steak.

He chose to eat less more frequently than a few big meals.

Bodybuilders back then did eat a little bit of rice and fruits but generally stayed away from most carbohydrate sources.

However many bodybuilders in the ’70s had cheat days one day a week.

When they ate anything they wanted including pizza, ice cream, cookies, and cake.

What supplements did Arnold Use?

Back in the ’70s when Arnold Schwarzenegger was in his prime there were not many supplements available.

They did not have BCAA’s, pre-workouts, or muscle gainers.

However there were protein shakes available, not in the same quality as we have today but bodybuilders back then used to drink protein shakes quite frequently.

Blair’s protein powder was really popular back then.

It was made out of soy flour and tasted really bad, this was, however, one of the very few options bodybuilders had at the time for protein shakes.

This was really the only muscle building supplement available at the time.

Creatine was not available to the public back then and bodybuilder back then did not use it.

Vitamins and minerals were, of course, available and likely that bodybuilders used them as well.

Arnold Training Program

Arnold used to train for hours every day in Gold’s Gym Venice beach.

He trained two times per day and his workout program mostly consisted of compound lifts.

He was a big fan of the “shocking principle”, which means not using the same repetitions and sets week after week.

What he tried to do was surprise his muscle with a different training style every time he went to the gym.

He also believed that you should go all out on every set and not save yourself for the next set.

So he really had no particular workout program with outlined sets and reps, he simply used these exercises below and mixed it up.

Arnold’s favorite Chest Exercises
Bench press
Incline press in different levels -he changed the deficit in the incline press to work more muscles.
Flies with dumbbells – he went as far down as he possible could to stretch his muscles.

Arnold’s favorite back exercise
Bent over rowing with a barbell
T-bar rows
Stiff leg deadlifts

Arnold’s favorite arm exercises
Barbell curls – He used to do very heavy barbell curls using drop sets
Dumbell curls on incline bench
Concentration curls – to isolate on the peak
Narrow bench press
Tricep extension
Overhand tricep extension with one and two arms

Arnold’s favorite shoulder exercises
Dumbell presses (Arnold press)
Barbell presses in the front and the back
Rear press behind the neck
The military presses
Lateral raises
Bent over lateral raises on a bench

Arnold’s favorite leg exercises
Leg Press
Rear Squats
Front Squats
Leg Extension
Stiff leg deadlifts
Leg Curls
Good morning exercise

Arnold’s favorite abs exercises
Leg raises
Roman chair sit-ups
Miki Mihajlovic
Global Moderator
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Poruke: 29810

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #628 poslato: Januar 24, 2021, 05:58:03 posle podne »

Pogledajte samo taj donji deo leda....toga vise nema nazalost....danasnji bodi bilderi nemaju ovakve detalje...
Miki Mihajlovic
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Poruke: 29810

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #627 poslato: Novembar 08, 2020, 06:19:57 posle podne »

Prva uobicajena voznja biciklom posle operacije srca
Miki Mihajlovic
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Poruke: 29810

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #626 poslato: Oktobar 26, 2020, 02:42:39 posle podne »

Arnold je operisao srce i vec uziva u Klivlendu.Zelimo mu sto brzi oporavak!!!
Miki Mihajlovic
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Poruke: 29810

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #625 poslato: Oktobar 16, 2020, 12:35:47 posle podne »

Arnoldov najmladi sin Joseph Baena sve vise lici na caleta....
Miki Mihajlovic
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Poruke: 29810

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #624 poslato: Septembar 06, 2020, 05:24:42 posle podne »

Jos uvek jak u biceps pregibu,sa istom kilazom radi veslanje i stojeci pregib za biceps....
Miki Mihajlovic
Global Moderator
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Poruke: 29810

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #623 poslato: Septembar 01, 2020, 01:07:58 posle podne »

Evo zasto je Arni NO1 u svetu!!!!Kapa dole!!!!
Miki Mihajlovic
Global Moderator
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Poruke: 29810

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #622 poslato: Jul 30, 2020, 01:41:39 posle podne »

Danas Arnold proslavlja svoj 73 rodendan!!!!Ja mislim da nema nikog ko je ikada krocio u teretanu i uzeo teg u ruke da nije cuo o njemu,ili da nije imao pozitivan ucinak na svakog od nas!!!!
Srecan rodendan Arni i ziveo ti nama jos dugo dugo!!!
Miki Mihajlovic
Global Moderator
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Poruke: 29810

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #621 poslato: Jul 06, 2020, 09:04:50 pre podne »

Jedna jako retka slika Arnija gde on skida cipele svom suparniku Sergiu Olivi sa kim bas nisu bili u dobrim uslovima blago receno....Junior je iskopao sliku i rekao da ce staviti ovu sliku na majicu da bi "naljutio" neke ljude.... ;D ;D ;D
Miki Mihajlovic
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Poruke: 29810

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #620 poslato: Jun 29, 2020, 09:51:14 pre podne »

Zasto je Arnold posle toliko godina treniranja u Golds Gymu(zbog njega je i toliko slavna ta teretana!!!)ipak odlucio da ne trenira tamo do daljnjeg?
Miki Mihajlovic
Global Moderator
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Poruke: 29810

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #619 poslato: Jun 21, 2020, 07:51:58 posle podne »

U svom prvom filmu Stay hungry ili Ostani gladan Arni sa drugovima prikazuje kako je takmiciti se.Inace za ovu ulogu je Arni dobio Golden Globe kao novajlija!!!
Miki Mihajlovic
Global Moderator
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Poruke: 29810

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #618 poslato: Jun 04, 2020, 09:59:09 pre podne »

Retka slika Arnolda sa plaze Santa Monice,mada je plaza sa druge strane...

Miki Mihajlovic
Global Moderator
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Van mreže Van mreže

Poruke: 29810

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #617 poslato: Maj 13, 2020, 03:26:42 posle podne »

Arni na svoj saljiv nacin kaze da je pored treninga sa tegovima jako vazno i istezanje! ;)
Miki Mihajlovic
Global Moderator
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Van mreže Van mreže

Poruke: 29810

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #616 poslato: Mart 16, 2020, 02:00:29 posle podne »

Arni je odgovoran gradanin,jer sa 72 godine ne napusta kucu kao neki penzioneri kod nas i poziva svakog ko je stariji od 65 godina da ne izlazi iz kuce.
Miki Mihajlovic
Global Moderator
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Van mreže Van mreže

Poruke: 29810

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #615 poslato: Decembar 05, 2019, 01:28:35 posle podne »

Cak je i masinama potrebno gorivo.... ;D ;D ;D
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