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Pomoć Pretraga Prijavljivanje Registracija PRODAVNICA
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Autor Tema: Najave takmicenja  (Pročitano 45353 puta)
Miki Mihajlovic
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Poruke: 29490

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #191 poslato: Novembar 14, 2018, 09:04:36 posle podne »

Na takmicenju BRITAIN’S STRONGEST MAN 2019 discipline ce biti sledece

▪️150kg Log for reps
▪️Axle Deadlift for reps (weight TBC)
▪️420kg Frame Carry
▪️Loading Medley
▪️Atlas Stones
Miki Mihajlovic
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Poruke: 29490

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« Odgovor #190 poslato: Oktobar 26, 2018, 09:26:31 pre podne »

Jedna od najvecih takmicenja u strongmanu ikada WUS Dubai 2018,sa najvecom novcanom nagradom pocinje za par sati a evo i linka gde sve to mozete pratiti uzivo
Miki Mihajlovic
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Poruke: 29490

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #189 poslato: Septembar 14, 2018, 08:26:00 pre podne »

XIII Medunarodni Strongman Topola Kup ce se odrzati 15.09.2018. godine u Backoj Topoli na Manifestacionom trgu sa pocetkom od 13h.
Glavni sponzor kao i svih ovih godina je Pansport.Organizator takmicenja moja malenkost.


1 Vuca kamiona
2 Balvan od 90kg ili 130kg na ponavljanje
3 Dizanje auta
4 Drzanje tega sa ispruzenim rukama
5 Dizanje kugle od 125kg,155kg,172kg
Miki Mihajlovic
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Poruke: 29490

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #188 poslato: Maj 20, 2018, 12:57:40 posle podne »

AC South Africa,lista takmicara i discipline.
Miki Mihajlovic
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Poruke: 29490

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #187 poslato: April 11, 2018, 03:32:54 posle podne »

Discipline za Svetsko prvenstvo u strongmanu 2018 u kategoriji do 90kg i do 105kg

1. FRAMECARRY 40m (230kg / 260kg)
2. VIKING PRESS for reps ( 120kg / 140kg)
3. LOADING 8m ( 5 objects weights between 90-110kg)

5.8.2018 SUNDAY (FINAL´S)
1. FORREST MACHINE PULL harness and rope
2. DEADLIFT FOR REPS with car ( weights will be tested)

Miki Mihajlovic
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Poruke: 29490

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #186 poslato: Mart 14, 2018, 09:18:30 posle podne »

Na Svetskom prvenstvu u podizanju balvana 2015 godine se dogodilo sledece
Da li ce ove godine pasti novi svetski rekord i ko ce ga postaviti?
Miki Mihajlovic
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Poruke: 29490

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #185 poslato: Februar 12, 2018, 04:05:09 posle podne »

Takmicari sa evropskog prvenstva u strongmanu
Miki Mihajlovic
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Poruke: 29490

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #184 poslato: Septembar 03, 2017, 07:52:59 posle podne »

12. Medunarodni Strongman Topola kup ce se odrzati 16.09.2017. u Backoj Topoli sa pocetkom od 12:30 casova na novom Manifestacionom trgu u organizaciji kluba sportova snage Topola  predvoden Mikijem Mihajlovicem,ulaz je besplatan.
Glavni sponzori ovog takmicenja su Pansport(koji je uz ovo takmicenje jos od prvog dana!!!!),Sattrakt,Restoran Gurman,Opstina Backa Topola,M.Z. Backa Topola,Sportski Savez Backe Topole.

Discipline u kojem ce takmicari odmeriti snage ce biti:

-nosenje okvira na 20m
-potisak balvana na max broj ponavljanja
-drzanje tega ispruzenim rukama
-car deadlift
-podizanje kugle na max broj ponavljanja
Miki Mihajlovic
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Poruke: 29490

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #183 poslato: Jul 20, 2017, 02:33:44 posle podne »

5.stanica MLO SCL Serbia ovog vikenda na Zlatiboru u subotu sa pocetkom u 12 casova.
Lista takmicara je

1) Matjaz Belsak Slovenia
2) Aivars Smaukstelis Latvia
3) Will Baggott UK
4) Topi Ovaska FIN
5) Roberto Rubinos SPA
6) Phil Roberts England
7) Nemo Tasic Austria
8) Kevin Faires USA
9) Stoyan Todorchev Bulgaria
10) Akos Nagy Hungary
11 )Vladimir Comorescu Romania
12) Dado Stroil Bosnia
13) Kecskes Ronin Serbia
14) Albin Hasanovic Serbia
Miki Mihajlovic
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Poruke: 29490

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #182 poslato: Jun 01, 2017, 10:33:39 pre podne »

Konacno strongman takmicenje i kod nas!

Takmicenje ce se odrzati u nedelju u Batajnici  na gradskoj pijaci i pocinje u 15 h.
Organizator takmicenja je nas proslavljeni powerlifting takmicar i vlasnik vise rekorda u deadliftu Milan Potkonjak.
Generalni pokrovitelj  takmicenja  je strong men savez Srbije .
Discipline u kojima ce takmicari odmeriti snage ce biti:
-vucenje kamiona
-prevrtanje gume od 380kg
-nosenje kofera od 120kg
-mrtvo dizanje od 270kg na ponavljanje
-podizanje kugle od 120kg na ponavljanje
-podizanje pivskih burica teskih 40kg

Lista takmicara je sledeca:

Petar Berat
Milos Berat
Igor Mitrovic
Renato Repic
Albin Hasanovic
Potkonjak Milan
Nikola Bozovic

Ko voli i blizu je obavezno pogledajte i navijajte! ;)
Miki Mihajlovic
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Poruke: 29490

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #181 poslato: Mart 17, 2017, 01:08:00 posle podne »

Prvenstvo Sveta u podizanju balvana ce se odrzati u sklopu FIBO-a
Miki Mihajlovic
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Poruke: 29490

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #180 poslato: Novembar 03, 2016, 07:12:47 posle podne »

Bice interesantno! ;)
Miki Mihajlovic
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Poruke: 29490

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #179 poslato: Jul 21, 2016, 07:12:08 posle podne »
Miki Mihajlovic
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Poruke: 29490

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #178 poslato: Jul 13, 2016, 01:10:14 posle podne »

World’s Strongest Man Masters (40+) 2016

Since 1977 the World has been in awe of the strongest men on the planet!

The sport of strongman has grown & developed over the past 4 decades with champions emerging in both male & female genders and within specified weight categories the â€Masters’ class has been created to allow past champions, late starters & also many current WSM athletes who are 40 years old or more!

This event brings together some of the greatest names & biggest characters form the world of strongman past & present – we are very excited to bring this event under the combined banner of World’s Strongest Man, Giants Live & Official Strongman.
Promoter   Official Strongman and Giants Live
Where   Doncaster Dome
When   17th September 2016
12.20 -  Ladies Super yoke 250 – 40m

12.45 – Masters Super Yoke - 420KG

1.20 – Ladies Silver dollar Deadlift Max – 200 opener

2.15 – Masters car deadlift for reps - est. 350kg

2.40 – Ladies Carry Medley – 140kg Duck Walk/ farmer’s walk 105kg per hand

3.15 – Masters Frame carry 20m – 380kg

3.45 – Ladies viking press reps – 115kg for reps

4.25 – Masters – Viking press 145kg for reps

4.45 Ladies  stones onto Whiskey Barrels – 100 to 140kg

5.00 Masters stones onto Whiskey Barrels – 120 to 200kg
The World’s Strongest Woman 2016 see the return of the most coveted title in female strength sports.

 The resurgence of strength athletics, cross fit, powerlifting and strongwoman has prompted the overdue return of the greatest title of them all.

With some of the incredibly dominant forces currently competing in strongwoman this event truly will be EPIC!

This unique combined oneday final will see the gathering of the top 12 strength athletes for both Strongman Masters & Strongest Woman categories & provide a fantastic spectacle of strength and athleticism to find a brand new â€official’ World’s Strongest Man – Master & World’s Strongest Woman for 2016.
Miki Mihajlovic
Global Moderator
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Poruke: 29490

Shut the f..k up and train!!!

« Odgovor #177 poslato: Jun 30, 2016, 05:04:24 posle podne »

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